Hi! Welcome to the Society Against Microsoft Internet Explorer!!

This page was last updated 08/27/00 12:44 AM

Latest Updates:

May 1, 2001 - Wow! I'm getting closer between updates! That's a start right? heheh.....Well, i think I'm going to move THIS site over to here again....I am going to turn this site into my web design site. I worked on the site back in March, but nothing really happened. Most people refer to what I'm going to start doing as "selling out". We all know what banners are right? Well when no one is paying for you to do there webpage you gotta make SOME money....Oh boy, this is going to a lot of fun cus I've lost all of my programs that are made for web design.....hmmm, I wonder if HotDog still makes one....I mainly write html and it's been so long since I've STARTED a page that I forgot most of my knowledge.....lmfao....aight peepz PEACE OUT!

March 28, 2001 - oooo boy...Well, hmm, I hate to say it but this site may fall. I have no time to work on it, shit happens (as they say). School sux, life's a bitch, and then you die. Well, HOPEFULLY I'm going to start on this page, but hell I don't care much anymore, lol, I'm losing it! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I'm fixing to start up a Web Page Design site, as a matter of fact, I'ma start on it now. PEACE OUT

August 27, 2000 - Well, I've set up on my comp to get this damn thing working, I think that in a couple days I'll put all the new updates on a separate page, not to sure quite yet, but I know that in a few days I'll need to if I keep updating this page.  Well, I don't know quite yet what I'm doing on the page but I'll figure it out shortly......lol

August 22, 2000 - Wow, can't believe it's already August....this sucks.....I haven't had any time at all to do any work on the web page unfortunately. Perhaps, even though I have school I can ACTUALLY get some work done on here so please, forgive the work. Just thought that I'd post a little something, I won a Web Award! WOOHOO!!! Two years in a row actually. Well, wish me luck!

February 10, 2000 - First real update of the new year.  This update is the beginning of a new beginning.  Everything on this site will soon be updated.  What used to be is no longer here.  So if you miss something let me know and I'll do what I can to put it back up.  HOPEFULLY, I will get this site looking really good and I'll get everything straightened out and perhaps even put up some Microsoft fixes.

November 29, 1999 - Did some more house keeping, edited the stupid GeoCities thing up there and also did some other stuff.  Hopefully soon this site will get more time.  I keep getting to work on my other web pages that I am doing.  http://www.blowoutknives.com for one, http://santastoyshop.vstormall.com for another one.  Well, give it some time, everything will com together.

September 22, 1999 - did a little house keeping and reposted the site on some engines.

July 21, 1999 - Moved Banners to their own page.
Added Slots.
Added Poker
Added Star Wars Trivia.
Removed some space takers.
Added Extreme Tracker.
Added Y2K Clock.

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 Society Against Microsoft Internet Explorer (a.k.a. Microshaft Internet Exploder)

Piss on MSIE!


        As leader of the SAMIE I would like to inform you right now that if you like Internet Exploder do not read any farther than this.  If you would rather go to your Microshaft Home click here The Microshaft Crap Homepage .  This site is dedicated to the people who prefer Netscape over Internet Exploder. According to a survey done on the internet over 75% of the internet population prefers Netscape over Exploder because there is less errors in Netscape than there is in Exploder.  It is said that Microshaft President William (Bill) Gates puts all of the errors into Internet Exploder on purpose so that he can get more money for having to get it corrected.  If you agree that Internet Exploder should not be part of the Internet Browser World then email me at Webmaster because I love receiving email, especially if it's about stuff that goes against the ever so UN-popular MICROSHAFT INTERNET EXPLODER.

If you like my website and would like to link to me then click Here and follow the instructions. Banners


If you would like to become a member of the SAMIE Email me at Webmaster and send me your NAME/HANDLE, your HOMEPAGE ADDRESS, and your EMAIL ADDRESS. I'll reply as soon as possible and will, if I get enough members, have a page dedicated to my members.

Here are a couple of links that I've picked up over my internet invasion lifetime.  Check them out.


   a: My Other Pages

Go to Kevin's Star Wars Page!

Go to King Author's Shop of Goodies!

   b: My Friends Pages

Go to Ducklips Central where you'll find Princess Leah!

c: Pokémon Pages that I like

The Pokétachi Homepage. I'm a member here! If you go here and join tell them MewChu sent ya!

There will soon be more here...Well, as soon as I find some more that I like....hehe

   d: An Anime Site I found

Animanga: Anime and Manga Services

   e: CNET Sites that I've been too




   f: Miscellaneous

NetObjects Fusion Online.

FreeRide Internet Services (a free internet access place)


©Copyright 1998. All gifs on this page are ©Copyright of SAMIE Web Productions and are not for use without the permission of SAMIE Web Productions, and therefore may not be distributed freely. All Rights Reserved.