The Mysterious Suitor

Every one who reads this- this is kind of set in a VERY modern 1899 like the movie Romeo + Juliet.

"Kelli, you'll live. He said no, big deal. Listen, I gotta go. Bye!" Kim said in her cheery voice. It made me sick. And it was a big deal. The big dance was Saturday and no guy had even mentioned it to me, unless it was to see if one of my friends were available.

Maybe there is something you should know, I'm 15 years old, short, brown hair, brown eyes, live with my mom, dad, 2 little sisters, and a little brother. I am in ninth grade and that last conversation is the story of my life. Rejection.

"DINNER!" My mom yelled. I really wasn't hungry, but I went downstairs anyway.

"How was everyone's day?" Randy, my dad asked, grabbing the spoon for the potatoes.

"Great. These two guys asked me out and I decided to go out with Nathan. Then as I was walking home a really hot newsie talked to me, Kelli, you probably know him, the one with a patch. Oh mom, I need a new skirt, this one's too lose." Kristin, my 13 year old sister said. I wanted to throw up right there. Kid Blink, the newsie, was the one I'd been in love with for two years, who'd never even noticed me like that.

"Kelli, you didn't answer me. How was your day?" My mom said, nudging my arm.

"I got an A on my geometry test." and with that I excused myself and went to the lodging house. Last summer I had made myself good friends with Jack, the "leader" of the newsies. I was living in Connecticut and two guys picked a fight with me, my mom and my dad as we were shopping for Morgan's (my other sister) birthday present. I somehow ended up in New York and Jack found me. He took me to the lodging house and helped me find my family. We became really close and he seemed like an older brother to me. So my family decided it would be beneficial to me to live in New York.


"Kloppman is Jack here?" I asked as I opened the door to The Newsboys Lodging House.

"Naw, he went out wid Race. You can wait up in da bunk room if it's important."

"Thanks." I replied walking up the stairs. When I reached the top I saw Blink and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, hey Kelli." he said, looking up from his bed.

"Why aren't you out?" I said, sitting on the bunk across from him.

"My date canceled. Why are you here?"

"I needed to talk to Jack. Do you know when he'll back?"

"Nope, well I think I'm goin' ta Tibby's. Bye."

"Bye." Oh, why did he have to leave? I would have been his date. I had a feeling Jack wouldn't be home for a while so I decided to go.


When I got home my sister was outside talking to Nathan. I was so jealous, it wasn't fair. Why could she be thin, pretty, and have a boyfriend, and I didn't have any of that.

"Kelli, where have you been? Well you're supposed to call Jamie." My mom said drying the dishes. So I went up to call my friend.

"Kelli?" she said answering the phone, "He asked me! Brad asked me to the dance!"

"That's great, Jamie. I'm really happy for you." I replied a little too unenthusiastically.

"So, what did Bill say?"

"No. And I saw him laugh when Sarah asked him." I answered remembering all to clearly the painful memory of this afternoon.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. You're still gonna go, right?"

"I dunno. I don't really feel like it. I gotta go." I said, tears welding up in my eyes.

"Bye." She said sympathetically.


The next morning I didn't really feel like going to school, but I got up and took my shower. As I got to school my friend Tom and a couple of his friends came up to me.

"Kelli, will you go to the dance with David Kemp?" David was my ex-boyfriend whom I still really liked. I didn't want to sound too anxious so I said, "I'll think about it."

I was ecstatic all day. So I decided to find Tom after school. I was about to give up looking for him when I saw him down the hall.

"TOM!" I screamed down the hall.

"Oh, hey Kelli. Do you have an answer?"

"Well, were you serious?" I would hate to feel like an idiot just in case.

"I'd be lying to you if I told you yes. Kyle (one of the boys from earlier) wanted to play a joke on David. It wasn't meant to hurt you. Sorry."

"Oh, that's fine." I lied. I was crushed, completely crushed. How could they? I couldn't believe anyone could be so mean. I ran home and cried. I finally thought I was done crying and there was a tapping at my window.

"Jack!" I screeched as I opened the window he threw his arms around me in a big bear hug.

"How ya been kid?" He asked, as I looked up, still in his arms.

"Been better."

"Whad's da mattah?" So I told him my sob story. Starting with yesterday and ending with the evil, vicious, mean joke.

"Who is dat scabbah? I'll soak 'im fer ya! Actually, I tink I got sumpin' dat could help. I know'se somebuddy who likes ya. And ya can trust me, I ain't no joik. 'E'll go to da dance wid ya. But I cain't tell ya who. Will ya go wid 'im?" Jack asked mysteriously.

"I guess. Is he a newsie?" I asked, thinking who he could possibly be talking about.

"Of cois!" He said, grinning slyly.

"Is it Blink or Spot?" I asked hopeful, well not that hopeful, but you know.

"I dunno. Well I gotta go. 'E's gonna pick you up at six thoity. See ya!"

"Bye Jack."


All week I went crazy. I thought of every newsie and none of them seemed to have shown any signs of interst. But I did tell everyone I knew that a mysterious guy had asked me to the dance and from what I heard he was really hot. I based this on the newsies in general, they, for the most part, were gorgeous. (Now watch it be Crutchy or something!) I went to the store and bought the most gorgeous dress and my best friend and I got our hair done and looked great. It was a quarter to six and I was going ballistic. Time couldn't go fast enough. "Kelli, if it's Spot..." Kristin said as she was walking down the stairs, she has been in love with Spot almost as long as I have been in love with him and Blink. I secretly wished it was Spot, just to show her off. But Spot's arrival in Manhattan was big news, so if he would've come in from Brooklyn they would have had to tell the whole city to shut up. So I pretty much ruled him out.

"Kristin, if it's Spot do you know how hard I'll laugh. You will never hear the end of it!" I teased as I went to the bathroom to check my make up for the umpteenth time.

"I'll soak you! It better be Crutchy or something!" She laughed wickedly. And after waiting I saw the clock turn from 6:29 to 6:30. Then the doorbell rang...


"Is Kristin here?" Ugh. Someone for my sister. Of course, on my big night as my date was supposed to arrive someone for my sister was at the door.

"Yeah, come in." So I got my sister, and waited. The last time I checked my clock it was 6:45. I never thought Jack would do this to me. He set me up! It just wasn't fair.

"Kelli! There is a young gentleman at the door for you." My mom said coming up the stairs. The butterflies in my stomach flapped as if they were trying to escape capture. I quickly fixed my makeup, that had been smudged from my tears. And I walked downstairs. It was Jack.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a little rudely.

"Well thanks a lot. I am hea ta tell ya dat yer date is runnin' a little late, and not ta be worried, because he'll be here. He had ta sell all 'is papes and it took longer dan usual. So he should be here any minute."

"Oh, thanks. I wasn't worried. I trusted you. Who is it, c'mon Jack, tell me." I smiled, not wanting him to know how upset I had been.

"You prob'ly only gotta wait fer anudda ten minutes at da most. You can wait. Bye." And with that he shut the door and I was still as clueless as I had been before. Just as he shut the door the bell rang. I figured he forgot to say something so I opened it, "What? Oh, hi. Sorry I thought you were Jack." My butterflies settled down as I saw my suitor at the door. I never thought it would have been him. Not that I was disappointed, in fact I was far from disappointed. I was happy, very happy.

"Sorry dat I was late, da papes took longer den usual. Are ya ready? Ya look very nice." As he said that he handed me a beautiful corsage.

"Yes. Thank you. You look very nice too." He took my hand and we walked to Tibby's. As we approached the door I saw Jack and Sarah having dinner. Then there was Davey and his date, one of my good friends, Jordan. My date opened the door for me and as we walked in there were a lot of "Oohs", "Awws", and "How cute". Jordan and Sarah ran up to me.

"Kelli, your dress is so cute!" Jordan exclaimed, "and so's your date." she whispered.

"I know!"

"Your hair is darling." Sarah said, fingering a curl.

"Thanks. So is yours, and yours." We were all talking and our dates were mimicking us.

"Why Jack, I just LOVE your hair." David said in a girly voice.

"Thanks you Davey, I love your hair!" Jack commented back in the same voice. My date just laughed.

"All right, that is enough." Sarah said. "Have fun you two." She said to us. We went over to the table he had reserved. I don't really remember much about dinner. I just know it was great, we talked, laughed, and there was never that awkward silence. It was just wonderful.


We walked to the school and the gym looked great. I saw a bunch of my other friends so I went over to them and introduced them to my date. Then we started dancing and he held me so close I could hear his heartbeat. But unfortunately all good things must end and it was time to leave. I hadn't had such a good night my whole life. It was flawless. So we walked home.

"Kelli, I had a great time. I hope we can go out again sometime."

"I had a great time too, and of course we can go out again. Thank you for everything."

Then he kissed me, it was magical. There had never been anything more perfect in my entire life.

"Goodnight Kelli."



Thanks for reading my story, I hope you liked it. I know?? Who's the suitor, right? Well, I couldn't decide *sorry*, so you get to pick. But if you'd like to tell me who you think it is, or would like to tell me what you thought about any of my stories, please, send me

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