Quotes From A Few Episodes, Mailing Lists and Forum

Last up-dated Sept. 8, 1997

There will be more quotes when I go through my tapes on the weekend. But for now enjoy these ones you seen many times before.

From The Pilot
"Galen said when all things were balanced, when all was right, you could hear the power in the land and it moves through you, gives you clarity. He called it the ROAR." - Conor

From "The Chosen"
"Stay alert, keep your eyes level, and most of all listen with your heart." --Conor

From Every Episode except Spear Of Destiny
"400 AD
In a land of a hundred warring tribes, a young prince comes of age. Having lost his family and the woman he cherished, he has sworn to unite his people and defend his home. Bent on destroying him is a Roman Queen, Diana. And her eternal love, Longinus. A 400 year old man who cannot die. Between history and myth a great battle will be waged. In the name of a timeless power called ... THE ROAR!" --Narrator

Stuff From The Forum

The premiere of "Roar" was a great success in the ratings. Why? Because you watched. Thank you all for tuning in, and it's great to read your comments. When I was working on "American Gothic", I often went to the Net for feedback. I'm going to be counting on you to give us your honest opinions of our show, and really appreciate your time. Take care, everybody. Talk to you soon. Shaun Cassidy.-From RoarCreator Dear Fellow Roariors, Although the previous message was written by Heath himself on my computer keyboard in our office at Warner Movie World in Queensland Australia, I am writing this message at Heath's request and on his behalf. Heath is currently filming episode #11, day #6. He starts ep #12 on Friday. He wants a computer, and hopes to get one in the next few weeks -- then he will be online himself, and will be happy to answer all of your questions and mail personally. Until then, for those of you with my E-Mail address, if you MUST send him a message, you can send, and I will print it and have it delivered to the set. Otherwise, until Heath gets his own computer, he will post and communicate from time to time via mine. By the way, Fergus was injured today, so maybe a few "get better soon" posts would be nice... Sincerely, SLAVEMASTER Dear Roariors, Thank you for your concern about the injury I sustained whilst in the loyal service of my character Fergus. It happened during a fight sequence with one of the stunt guys; unfortunately, we miss-timed a hit and the sword caught my left hand and lacerated my index finger. I wanted to finish the scene, but was dragged off the set by the nurse (very wisely). I underwent minor surgery at the hospital, five internal stiches, twelve outside. I've been told I'll never play the piano again (but I couldn't in the first place, so it doesn't matter). We all really appreciate your loyalty to the show, and sincerely hope that you enjoy watching the forthcoming MAY THE ROAD RISE UP TO MEET YOU MAY THE WIND BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK MAY THE RAIN FALL SOFT UPON YOUR FIELDS MAY THE SUN SHINE WARM UPON YOUR FACE AND UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN MAY GOD HOLD YOU IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND... sincerely, JOHN SAINT RYAN "Fergus"via SLAVEMASTER Go Home

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