Angel Of Mine

written by:K i l i k i n a

Nothing I could do could change this incrediable feeling I had.This feeling was nothing I could have ever imagined.When I saw him I knew there was something inside of him.Something I had never seen before or ever thought I would.His smile....How do I explain it was like the waves crashing on the beachy sand.His eyes bluer then the bluest sea.He was so amazing it's just hard to explain maybe I should start at the beinging of something that was the best moments of my life.

"So are you coming to the dance tonight?" I shook my head and tried to come back to reality. "Huh?" I said. "Dang it your not even listening are you?" Lizz told me. "Yes I was just thinking about something." I said. Her eyes shifted down to the sand below her feet. "So anyways are you coming to the dance this weekend?" She asked again. "Yeah I think I might drop by it's not like it's something big for me anyways." I said.I scrunched her toes in the sand and giggled. "Rumor has it though that Nick Carter will be attending." I looked at Lizz with a strange look. "Who is Nick Carter?" Lizz was about exploded. "WHO IS NICK CARTER?!" She screamed. "Shhh calm down everyone's looking!" I looked around at all the eyes peering at us.I turned bright red. "Look Nick Carter is from the Backstreet Boys my favorite group." Lizz said smiling. "Just so happens Nick is my favorite. He's such a hunk, Di" I of course rolled My eyes. "I don't get you Lizz .Your almost 18 and your in love with some teeny bopper group shhessh." Lizz laughed. "I'm not ashamed to say it either see?"

Lizz cleared her throat."Hey everyone I love the Backstreet Boys!" She yelled across the beach. I fell to the sand and hid my face. "God this is the last time I will ever I repeat EVER! go anywhere with you." I mummbled from the sand. "Hey get up only everyones looking." She laughed. "AHH I think I can die now." Lizz took me by the arm and picked me up off the sand."Ahh." I screamed and hid My face. "Take me home pplease!"I screamed. Lizz walked me home while I hid my face. "It's okay to look now." Lizz said laughing. I peeked through my eyes a lil to see if anyone was staring at us. Of course no one was so I took my hand off my face. "God I think the whole world heard you!" I said scowling. "I am not ashamed to love the Backstreet Boys" she said proudly. I sighed. "Uh hun" We got to my house and I walked up my stone path to my house. "Thank you for embarassing me other then that I had a great time. See you tonight at the dance." I said.

Lizz turned around to go home as I stepped inside my house. "Hey dear did you have a nice day with Lizz?" She asked me. "Yeah mom it was okay she's a lil hyper though." I said making my way up to my room. "Thats nice." My mom said.I walked in my room and fell back on my bed. "Ahh." I said. I didn't realise how tierd I was until my eyes started to slowly droop then the closed and I fell fast asleep. I woke up from my deep sleep to the sound of the phone ringing. "Hello?" I said. My eyes were still adjusting to the light. "Hey it's me Lizz are you getting ready yet?" She asked. I picked up my clock and looked at it. "Damn I have an hour to get ready!" I yelled. "Have you not even started getting ready?" She asked. "No I fell asleep my mom didn't even wake me up!" I hopped off my bed and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed my make up and started aplying my make up. "God well you better hurry wouldn't want to miss Nick Carter." Lizz said happily. "Oh God no wouldn't want that" I said rolling my eyes.

I finally was done with my make up and went straight to my closet. "Hmm what dress, Lizz?" I asked. She thought then told me. "How about the short black one?" She said. "Yeah thats a great one hang on a second." I put the phone down and put it on. "There this looks great Lizz" "Good now put in those sterling silver butterfly hair clips that I bought you for your birthday." She said. I scrownged around in my jewelry box until I found them. I carefully pinned them in my hair smiling. "There " I smiled at my reflection even though I found it so unatractive. "Your ready now?" Lizz asked. "Yes I'm ready Lizz." I said walking to my closet putting on my black platforms. "Okay good I'll be over in a jiffy so we can walk together." She said. "Yeah sure" I said. I got up and went down stairs and grabbed my jacket. "Good see ya." Lizz hung up and so did I. I told my mom good night and when I would be back and I walked down to the peir.

Lizz met me there about 5 mins later. "Hey !" Lizz said smiling at me. "Hey you look great Lizz!" Lizz just blushed. "So do you miss I don't look good in anything" I stuck my toungue out at her. "I still look bad in this." Lizz smiled mischeviously at me. "I bet if Nick Carter told you that you looked could you would think that you did." I rolled my eyes. "No if he told me I looked good I would think he was a lier." Lizz hit me in the arm. "Girl your crazy believe me once you see him it changes your life." I sighed. "Yeah whatever Lizz you must be crazy girl!"

We finally made it to the studio where the dance was being held. Lizz and I walked in. Of course she was on the look out for Nick but I wasn't I wanted to find a hot guy to dance with. I stared all around the room searching for someone that wasn't dancing when my eyes caught him. God he was like heaven. Maybe the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. I didn't mean to stare but I couldn't help it.I had to dance with him I just had too. But he was dancing with some blonde headed chick whom I didn't know. Maybe I could cut in? I thought. No that's a bad idea. I thought but something inside of me was saying. Go do it you know your dieing to. And of course that idea won.

I walked over slowly and stood before him. My eyes couldn't unglue from him. "Do you mind?" I asked the girl. She smiled. "Of course not." She said she let go of this guy and I steped in. His smiled penetrated my soul.I was speechless as we danced and our eyes locked. Who ever this was I knew I never was going to be the same after this night. A slower song came on "Angel Of Mine" By Monica...Just by chance my favorite song. I managed to become un breathless. "God I love this song." I said. He smiled down at me. "Yeah same here it's the best." He held me closer and we danced across the room. I was in a trance we didn't talk that much with words mostly with our eyes.I'd never felt so safe with a stranger in my life it was so strange.The dance ended but it had seemed to last for forever.He slowly let go staring into my eyes . His eyes were telling me he didn't want me to go but I knew I had to.

I let go slowly and walked away he tried coming after me but I ran. For what reasons I didn't know .Maybe it was at that moment with him I felt like nothing was wrong and everything was right. "God Diana your so stupid go back in there you like him." My heart said. Of course I stopped right outside the studio and sat down by the beach. A few mins later I heard a voice behind me.

"You know what I first thought?" He said. "I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on." I blushed and turned around to see the stranger's eyes. He smiled and so did I. "So what's your name?" He asked. I smiled shly. "Diana" I said quietly. He came closer to me and sat down. "Diana Diana Diana" He said smiling. "What a beautiful name." I blushed once again staring at the ground. "Thank you and who are you?" I asked staring deep in his eyes again. "Oh you don't know who I am?" He asked. I gave him a puzzling look. "I'm Nick Carter." He whispered. I laughed. "I'm sorry it's just my best friend's in love with you." He laughed too. "Yeah everyone seems to do that I have no idea why either." I smiled and so did he.

"To tell you the truth I don't dig you Backstreet Boys to much." He looked shocked. "God you must be the first." Nick laughed. "Yeah." I said shyly. I looked at my watch and noticed it was time for me to be home. Even though I really didn't want to go." I hate to interupt this moment were having but I promised my mom I would come home before 12:00 its 11:45 it takes bout 15 mins to walk home and I really don't wanna be late." He smiled his flashing smile again. "Well how about I take you home?" He suggested. My face lit up at the thought. "Sure I would like that if its not to big of a hassle." He shook his head."No problem at all just let me go tell BJ." I totally forgot about Lizz being caught in this love trance for Nick.

He took me home when we got there I walked to the fence and leaned on it he walked slowly over to me. "I've never been the guy to rush but when I saw you it was just Magic something so hard to explain. So I hope you don't mind if I do this." He leaned over slowly and kissed my lips. I trembled. He finally let go of my lips and stared into my eyes. "Please don't think that I rush things really I don't." I smiled "I know ...And I believe you" "Good....So will I see you again?" He asked. "Sure here's my phone number" I took a pen out of my purse and handed him a peice of paper with my phone number on it. "Call me anytime" I said. He smiled. "I'll do that" We said good night and I walked in with the biggest smile God ever had put on a womans face.

Angel of Mine Part 2