A Different Kind Of Life

written by: Stina


"Get down, get down and move it all around. Get down, AAAAAAHHHHH!!"

"Oh my head!! What the hell happened?!" I thought, rubbing my head and looking around. I took in a breath. It was amazing, everywhere I looked was covered by dark, beautiful green grass and you could see the ocean way back in the distance.


I looked around.

"Where is Nick?" I thought.

The rest of the guys looked just as clueless. Nick disappeared in the middle of singing "Get Down" , our last song for the night at the concert in Portland, Oregon.

"Probably playing a joke." I thought. The song ended.

"Thank you, Portland! We love ya, good night!" I said and jogged off stage, expecting Nick to pop out or something but he didn't.


"Oh gross, I'm all sweaty. Shower, shower! Must have shower!" I thought, "Hmm… I wonder where Nick disappeared to. I think I'll go ask the rest of the guys."


"Whooh! Good show boys!" I yelled, high off of the energy of the show.

I wanted to go tell Nick nice prank he played on us, disappearing , hardy har har. I started looking around for him when Kevin called me over.


No one could seem to find Nick so Bri and I decided to call a meeting of the boys and find Nick. I saw AJ walking around like a fool and called him over. We went into the dressing room.


"Brian, what do you know about this?" Kev asked.

"Nothing. I don't know where he is!" Brian said.

"Oh come on Bri!! The game is over!" AJ said.

"I told you, I DON'T KNOW!"

Me, being the neutral, stepped in.

"Guys, come on! I think we should just all look around for him, okay?"


"This is so weird! Where am I?" I thought.

I got up to look around but sat down again thinking that the would come find me.


We all split up and started walking around, I went to the stage first.

When I got there I walked around, yelling Nick's name. As I walked in the middle of the stage I fell, and fell and fell and then I landed on something.

"OW!" came from beneath me. I looked around and saw Nick.

"There you are! What the hell were you thinking?! We were pretty worried!"

"Sure you were, Frick, you guys probably thought I was playing a joke!" Nick said.

I cracked a smile, "Oh shut up! Where are we anyways?"

Just as I said that…


AJ, Howie and I met up. Now Nick and Brian were missing.

"See Howie, I told you, they are in on it together!" I said. th me. I looked around and saw Nick.

"Yeah so sue me." Howie said.

We went looking for Nick and Brian to tell them we were on to their childish game. We went onto the stage and we were walking when we fell, and fell and fell. I heard laughing that sounded far off in the distance.


"HAHAHAHA! You guys scream like girls!" was the first thing I heard when I landed from the long fall.

I looked over and saw Nick and Brian. Then I looked around.

"Where are we?" Howie, Kevin and I said at the same time.

"We have yet to find that out." Nick and Brian said.

~Princess Savannah~

"Daddy, I need a new attendant, Mildred is old and simply too slow!"

"Allright honey, all the girls shall have new slaves tomorrow."

"Don't call them slaves. They are normal people, just like you and me!" I said.

"Ugh. Dear, how many times do I have to tell you? Our SLAVES are mere peasants and we are special!" My father replyed.

"Nothing special about us besides that we are know throughout the world and are rich!"

"I'm losing my patience, go now, Savannah."

I left the room with a sigh and went out to pick some flowers, one of my favorite things to do when I need to think.

~King Archibald~

"What a disgrace!" I huffed, "We're not any better than peasants! HA! That girl, sometime she makes me angry!"

My wife came into the room.

~Queen Carole~

I walked into the room and saw my husband notably angry.

"Savannah, again?" I asked.

"Yes! Today she said we are no better than peasant slaves!"

"Darling, she reminds me of myself at that age, free- willed and strong- minded. When she gets older, she will become more senseable. Don't worry, dear."

"Oh allright." He said.

I smiled at him and said "Time for bed"

"One thing first," he said.

"Jeffery (the slave for the King), come. Give an order to the slave traders, I am looking for 5 new slaves. They need to be young and able."

The slave nodded and went off.

"The girls are requesting new slaves or attendants, as Savannah calls them, because theirs are too old and slow."

"I understand." I said and layed down.


A Different Kind Of Life Part 2