A Dream Come True

written by: Kat8361414@aol.com

As I was sitting in my room just listening to AJ sing "Lay Down Beside Me" like I always do after school, the phone rang. I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Is this Katelyn Ferrucci?" asked a voice I didn't recognize.


"Because you've just won the chance to meet the Backstreet Boys! And you can even bring two friends!" I then recognized the voice of Cubby from Z100. Now, I did remember entering in a contest, but I never thought I'd win. Without any hesittation I screamed, hung up the phone and called Lindsay and ordered her to call Heather on 3-way. They probably thought I was pissed at them by the way I was acting, but when I told them the news they screamed just as loud as I did.

Little did we know what was going to come out of this.

The next day, Lindsay and Heather came over and we had one of our annual weekend parties we called them "BSB Weekends" simply because the'd stay at my house all weekend and we would constantly talk about the Backstreet Boys! Today was different though, we were making signs and stuff for the concert that we were gonna go to. "It's so cool that you really won this time Kate!" said Heather while trying to make yet another perfect B-Rok sign.

"Heath, what r u doin'? You're making so many of those friggin' signs you won't be able to hold them all!" exclaimed Lindsay who was still working on her second poster.

"Hey Lynz, at least......" Heather began to say

"Guys, guys, come on don't fight we're going to a BSB concert and we've got front row seats! It doesn't get any better than this!" I said as the two of them went into a daze about the 5 guys we loved.

"I mean think about it Heath, you'll be like 20 feet away from Brian, and Lynz you'll be 20 feet from Nick!" I said trying to mellow out their fighting.

After we were done making posters we decied to get something to eat, by now it was about 11:00pm, and we were getting a little tired. Probably from partying all day.

The next day we got into the car and started for The Meadowlands, where the concert was gonna be. We were in the car for ever, because of the traffic! When we got there there was a limo in front of the stadium. We figured it was just and opener and didn't bother to scream and chase after it. We were about to go inside when the limo pulled up in front of us.

"This is so cool!" I exclaimed, "We're gonna get to meet one of the openers!"

But to our surprise out stepped AJ, Brian, Nick, Kevin, and Howie. We probably would have gone into shock except for the fact that they explained to us that this was part of my prize.

"Oh my god!!!!" screamed Heather as she got the chance to hug Brian, you should've seen the look in her eyes and his too!

I gave AJ the biggest hug in the world without even thinking. I probably seemed like a psycho, but at that time I didn't even care. As Heather and I finally pryed Lindsay off of Nick, escorted us inside. Me with AJ, Heather with Brian, Lindsay with Nick, and Howie and Kevin were with Aaron (trying to keep him from being trampled).

A Dream Come True Part 2