
written by: Stina

"We looked! And we saw him! The Cat in the Hat!" I read aloud. Why was I reading Cat in the Hat? I live in France, where I speak only French, but I signed up for a student exchange program and was going to America so I had to learn English. "Well…what would you do if your mother asked you?" "Great job! You got thru the book without one mistake!" said my English tutor, I just smiled. "I'm going to give you a book, it's bigger than you're used to, but I know you can read it all, the book is called Black Beauty. You are learning so fast! You already know how to write and read English and it's only been 2 weeks! You almost have speaking down. In a week or less you'll have it!" The tutor said. "Thank you! Am I finished for today? I have to meet Chantal at the mall." "You can go now, Chaline." "Merci--I mean thank you." I was only allowed to speak in English while with my tutor.

I walked down to the mall. "Oh Chantal, I'm going to miss you so much!" I said. Chantal learned English long ago so I thought I'd practice. "Chaline, you HAVE to call me!! Call me the day you get there, ok?" "Ok" I said and we shopped a little more. When I got home my parents were there and gave me a going away present. Out of everyone, I would miss them the most. We ate and then I went to sleep. The week went by uneventfully and on Saturday, I went to the airport to catch the flight. all I knew was that I was going to Florida. I popped in my Backstreet Boys CD and remembered the conversation with my friend, Chantal, at the mall last week.


"Just think, you're going to live in the same state as Brian Littrell." "You mean in the same state as Nick Carter!" I said. "Naw…it's Brian's state." "Whatever!" I said.


I fell asleep while Set Adrift on Memory Bliss was playing. The next thing I know, the plane is on the ground and a flight attendant is waking me up. "Are we here?" "Yes, mam." "Oh ok thank you!" I got off the plane and looked around, I was VERY confused. A lady with blonde hair came over to me. "Are you Chaline?" she asked. "Yes." I said. "Well hello, welcome to America! I'm the person you'll be staying with while you are here, my name is Jane Carter." I started busting up laughing. "What?" she asked me. "You have the same name as Nick Carter's mother. Sorry, I'm a big fan of Backstreet Boys and Nick Carter is one of the members and I love him so much. I'm sorry for being so rude!" "Oh!! No, that's okay, I understand." She took me to a nice looking car, after getting my luggage, and then drove about 15 min. We pulled up to a HUGE house with a security fence around it. "Wow!" I said, expecting nothing like this.

Exchange Part 2