
EXT: The Streets of New York

A woman dressed in a red and white checkered waitress uniform walks the dark, crowded streets of New York. She approaches a large, run-down building and fumbles in her purse to retrieve her keys.

In the distance someone watches her, and begins to walk closer towards her.

She finally gets her keys and opens the door of the old, delapidated apartment building. Once inside, she uses her keys once again to check her maibox. She opens the mailbox and finds a handful of mail waiting for her.

Meanwhile, the stranger stares from the window on the front door of the apartment building. He sees her open the door leading to the stairwell, and he watches as she goes inside. He quickly walks closer to the building door. Reaching in his pocket, he takes out a small key. He places it in the door lock, and the building door opens. He then walks into the hallway and heads for the stairwell.

The woman finally reaches the 5th floor of the building. Walking down a long corridor with dim broken lights, the woman comes to apartment 515. She uses her keys once again to open the door and goes inside. Quickly, she locks the doorknob, deadbolt, and chain on her door. Once inside she takes off her shoes, turns on the lamp on the coffee table, and sits on the couch.

WOMAN: Finally, home. I thought coming to New York to school would be so great. Now I wish I would have stayed in Salem. Not only did I have to drop out of school because I couldn't afford it, but I have no real friends. Not like the ones that I had in Salem.

She gets the pile of mail that she placed on the coffee table.

WOMAN: Let's see...... Bill. Bill. Junk mail. Wait....

She picks up the letter and brings it closer to her for a better examination. It is a small envelope. In the front of it, there is no return address or a mailing address. Just her name spelled big: JAMIE.

JAMIE: What is this??

She quickly tears the letter open, exposing a single white small sheet of paper. She turns it around and sees in big print--"I'M BACK!"


Suddenly, there is a crash, as the window behind her smashes into pieces and someone comes in and grabs her by the neck. . . . . . . . . . .