Welcome to Murdocks addicts page

Last Updated 10/5/98


Do you find yourself talking to invisible animals?
Do you try to make yourself invisible by saying "White Paper, White Paper"?
When you watch Heart of Rock & Roll, do you wear out your PAUSE button on your vcr watching the POOL scene?
Have you talked to your SOCKS lately?
Go around wearing a black glove on your right hand and calling it LEFTY?

Anyone up for a trip to the other side of reality?

Now you can LISTEN to the Heart of Rock and Roll (it's a wav file and takes a while to load)

Do you suffer from the following symptoms:

Taking flying lessons to become a PILOT.
Singing to Frank Sinatra tunes.
Go around saying 'Ehhh, what's up doc?'
Having to take cold showers, from watching the Hong Kong bath scene in 'Point of No Return'!
And yet ANOTHER one. Or get an italian to share a hot tub?
Do you like a guy with a HAIRY CHEST?
Buying a straight jacket or Getting a bomber pilots jacket and painting a tiger on the back.

It's the BEACH boys?

Have you exhibited other strange behavior lately?


If so then simply contact the Psychiatric Hotline
(don't worry we WON'T find a cure)

Please meet Murdock's friends. Which has been updated with pictures! Need a quick fix of Murdocks Quotes?

See how Murdock always likes to tease the BIG GUY

Also check out Murdock's ADVICE on how to escape from the V.A.! And do check out his many PERSONALITIES!

Fellow addicts please Sign Murdocks Guestbook
& if you want to see other addicts View Murdocks Guestbook

If you have any suggestions for this page, or would like to make some comments, or just want to tell us how crazy we all are, then just send me some insane email

This page is brought to you by one of the 4 Texas ladies, SPARKS

      If you done here, you can go Back to the Addicts page
      If you're in need of a Plan Go to Hannibalitis page
      If you feel a Scam coming on,Go to Face addicts page
      If you feel a need for Workout, Go to B.A.s gym

      And for something a little Risque, well you'll just have to see for yourself!

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