Image Interlacing

Image Interlacing Explained

Why Interlacing?

  • Interlacing allows you to create a graphic that "fades in." A low-resolution version of the picture is shown first, then successively sharper versions are shown until the whole graphic has loaded. This gives the illusion of speed, and it makes your visitors happy.
  • Bot is shown below in both a non-interlaced (left) and an interlaced (right) format. Watch carefully how each one loads!
    No Interlacing Interlaced
Jpeg Interlacing
  • The JPEG format also has a less commonly used form of interlacing, called a Progressive JPEG.
  • The file loads sequentially in the same way as the GIF, but the first image often looks better than the first of an interlaced GIF.
  • Below is an example of a (left) non-interlaced JPEG and a (right) Interlaced JPEG.
    Non Interlaced JPEG Interlaced JPEG
Gif Interlacing
  • Web pages with interlaced GIFs appear in a browser more quickly than pages with normal GIF images. The interlaced GIFs look blurry at first, but then become sharp as the rows are filled in.
  • Interlaced GIF images are stored to allow alternating lines of the image to be viewed as they are received. Every 8th line is displayed, followed by every 4th lines, then every 2nd line and then the remaining lines.
  • The following is an example of an interlaced Gif.

    Interlaced Gif

  • For more information click the links below.

  • Related Sites :

    More Information On Interlacing

    Further Information

    This Site Owned By : (©)opyright Derek Cooper 1999

    Last updated