60 Free fully working downloads

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Software Download Page 

All the software on this page is Freeware, Public Domain, or Shareware. None of it is crippled, or time limited, one or two are a little lame but all are worth trying out or I would not have included them here. On this page you will find programs for the following
Astrology,  Biorhythms, Graphology,  Numerology,  Palmistry,  Tarot, Miscellaneous.


Astrolog 5.41c  Windows 755kzip.This program is Astrolog with bells on, it uses the swiss ephemeris said to be more accurate and covers the years 3000bc to 3000ad it also calculates the 9 TNP's there are also many other additions. 

Download Astrolog 5.41cClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astrologer's Assistant v3.0  Dos 398k zip. bit weak in the graphics dept, but calculates
practically anything including Tertiary directions.
Download Astrologer's AssistantClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Ascan 15 Win 95 610k zip.Fully featured program, includes Atlas. released March 98.
Download ascan15.Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astrowin Win 95 674k zip.Does everything including midpoints. A novel feature of this program, is the ability to save the chart and listing as AscII text. file size 9k, or 4k for the chart alone, this allows you, for example to paste it in an email as text. Much quicker than having to open it in another program if you sent it as an attachment, very useful TIP! If you don't download anything else from this site, do yourself a favour and download this program and one of the Astrologs.
Download astrowin.Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astrocalk Win 95 190k zip.Calculates Chart prints and saves wheel.
Download astcalk.Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astrolab Dos 685k zip. all in French, if you want to improve your French this program
will help.
Download Astrolab.Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astronomical Clock Dos 430k zip.  Astronomical Clock and Celestial Tracking program
with Celestial Navigation. This program is now ten years old, but I have not seen
a better one. The version included here is the latest upgrade (1998) In the ten years this
program  has been evolving the Manual had grown in size from 3k to 421k. The program is used by many observatories It shows the time in your location, with lots of other Astrological timeinformation in hours, minutes, and seconds.
Download Astro ClockClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astronomical Clock.bas Dos 71k zip. For those of you who like to know how things work. This program does the basics of the one above, but you can see the code, it will work in Qbasic or Quick Basic there is also an Executable included plus Cal.bas and an Executable for anyone that needs a perpetual Calendar
Download AstrobasClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astro Clock Win95 340k zip. This program puts an Astroglyph on the taskbar  when your computer starts showing the sign rising in your location or the location that you choose. When you click the glyph it puts a chart on the screen for that moment in timeIf you rightclick the glyph it shows a list. It updates once per minute.
Download AstroClock32Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astrline Win95 .Yet another new free program from the Allen Edwall stable it does basically the same as Astro Clock, it's just a question of which one you prefer. 

Download AstlineClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Declwin Win 95 240k zip.Calculates chart, many options.
Download DeclwinClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Elections Win95 226k zip. If you do Electorial charts, you will want this it does it all
for you. It can update every minute, go forward and back in time, gives warnings for
Moon (Via Combusta), and Saturn, etc.
Download ElectionsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

EZCharts Dos 685k.EZ charts. This is an unusual program. It attempts to determine the time of one's death I personally believe average man should not have this knowledge. I do not think that one can determine the time of death by Astrological means alone, because many factors that determine one's destiny are hidden from most people. However one can use this program to determine other life events, and for rectification. Why not give it a try and drop me a line to say how you got on with this program 
Download EZChartsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

HamW v3 Win95 393kzip. Feaures useful for astrologers using Cosmobiology and Uranian techniques. Some of them are listed below: Find a dense point--- Show the dates hit by this tree--- Generate a midpoint tree--- Working with events by transiting planets--- Birthdates hit by transiting planets--- Working with Witte's Formulae : A+B-C Webmasters Note: I am surprised that this very useful program is not more widely used and discused maybe it is because people have difficulty getting Astrolog to produce the files that HamW uses, there is a lot of fiddly typing to do, and most people are so used to Windows that they have forgotten their DOS. It is a good idea to install Astrolog for DOS and automate it with a batch file.  
Download HamW 3.0Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Hora.exe Dos 2.189m zip.This program is all in German, however, it is a very versatile program and if you are interested in Astrology and learning or improving your German, you can kill two birds with one stone

Go to astrologix.de Web siteClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to go to the Astrologix.de Web site.

Horary Exe Dos 189k zip. Does all the calculating for an horary chart.
Download HoraryClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Keywords Win95 58k zip.Indispensable to the beginner, and to people like me whose
memory sometimes fails them.
Download Keywords.Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Magic Signs for Lovers Win95 2.382m zip This is a program for absolute beginners, it will teach the basic ABC of Astrology. For those of you out there who give Astrology classes. it could be put on floppy and given out on the first lesson. It would give students a jump start, and save you some time in class.  
Download Magic SignsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Meanings Win95 208k zip. This is also indispensable to the beginner. Gives meaning for:
Asc, planet in house, planet in sign, aspects between two planets, with a click of the mouse.
Download MeaningsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Midpoints Win95 233k zip. Not many free programs for doing midpoints,here is one
Many people would like to try midpoints out, but can't calculate them, well there's no
excuse now.
Download MidpointsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Me and You Win95 132k zip. Gives meaning for Planet, House, Aspects in
Relationships, good for composite charts and midpoints.
Download Me and YouClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Moon Win95 15k zip. This tiny program shows moon phases by means of a glyph placed on the taskbar in the same way a watch or clock does. Placing the mouse over it shows how many days old it is.
MoonClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Moonfaze Dos 52k zip. This program will calculate and display graphically the moons phase for any date and time. The rise and set times given are approximations only, for true times must take into effect the observers exact longitude, elevation, and horizon elevations (mountains, trees, etc.).  
Download MoonfazeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Moontool Win95 115k.Moontool for Windows is a Microsoft Windows application which calculates the phase of the Moon at either the current time or at any user-specified time and displays a picture of the Moon at the correct phase, either as a system tray icon or in an open window.When the Moontool window is open, it displays comprehensive information about the Moon. When Moontool is minimised, it becomes an icon in the system tray which shows the current phase of the Moon; double clicking its icon restores the original display. If you'd like a permanent Moon phase display in the system tray, add a shortcut to Moontool to your StartUp folder with the Run property set to Minimized. Moontool allows the information displayed in the open window to be copied to the clipboard as a bitmap, permitting you to paste it into another document. In addition to displaying the Moon at the current time, Moontool can calculate the appearance of the Moon at any user-specified date and time. Two dialogues permit entering date and time either as a conventional Universal time (year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds) or as a Julian date. These dialogues perform instantaneous conversion between Universal time and Julian date, serving thus as a Julian date calculator, handy by itself to astronomers. You can animate the display of the Moon by placing Moontool into "Fast mode", showing the progression of phases at the rate of one day every few seconds. Moontool's ability to display the Moon at any date in history lets you quickly answer questions such as that posed in the April 1992 issue of Sky and Telescope (page 437): did Paul Revere's midnight ride really occur under the full Moon, or did Longfellow add the Moon to his poem purely for atmosphere? Firing up Moontool and entering the time and date of Revere's ride: 05:00:00 UTC April 19th, 1775, we find that the Moon was 87% full that night, waning from the last full Moon at 21:53 UTC on April 15th, 1775. Moontool tells us that the Moon was indeed close to full that night, confirming Revere's own recollection that "the Moon shone bright". Moontool is a 32-bit Windows application which runs on Windows 95 and above and Windows NT 4.0 and above. A 16-bit version of Moontool which runs on any version of Windows starting with 3.0, in any mode (including 3.0 real mode, its being one of the few remaining Windows applications which retain that capability) remains available; it is completely compatible with the 32-bit version but lacks some of its user interface glitz. The source and executable code for Moontool are in the public domain.  
Download MoonToolClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Matchmaker Win95 2.141m.This program compares one chart with another, it uses cosmodynes to compare them. cosmodynes are another pointing system. most of the best of these rely on dignities (see my dignities page on this site) probably one of the first astrologers to use this system was the Elizabethan Astrologer William Lilly b1602.  
Download MatchmakerClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

N-interpret Win 95 489k zip.Calculates a chart, shows a wheel, and will print or save a very good cook book report.(Nota Bene) there are not many free programs that print out a good report. I have found only four, generally you have to pay a lot of money for this type of program. There are four on this software page.
Download N-InterpretClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

PopHr Win95 336k zip. Shows Planetary Hours, if you put its icon in the start up folder
when you switch on your computer it shows which planet is current. useful I personally
have found these a bit tricky to calculate.
Download PopHrClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

ProgTrans Win95 217k zip. This does Transits To Natal, and Progressed to Natal
planets. and then produces 9 report files, which you can save or print you can specify
how many days or months to cover.

Download ProgTransClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Relationships Win95 310k zip.Synastry Program, midpoints as well.
Download RelationshipsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Relocate Win95 318k zipProgram for relocation, does Geo Plots as well.
Download RelocateClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Riyal V.23/1/2000 Dos 397k zip.The program includes the Sabian symbols and a catalog of the brightest 1078 fixed stars, and can draw the chart wheel in 640x480 and 800x600 colored graphics (geocentric or heliocentric). It also includes a planetary weighting routine, using a combination of traditional essential and accidental dignities and Marc Edmund Jones theory of "focal determinators". Additionally, RIYAL calculates precession-corrected direct and converse transits, tropical and sidereal solar (progressed) and lunar returns, paranatellontas, midpoints, the "speculum" for primary directions (with directions to the angles and a table of azimuths and altitudes), secondary progressed lunations and eclipses, secondary and tertiary direct and converse progressions, Davison relationship charts, aspects and phases, elements and qualities, planetary pictures, harmonics, and Solar arcs. It can also re-direct its output to a file. RIYAL also calculates the angles and house cusps in 12 different house systems for any latitude, including those above the polar circles. If Riyal finds that it cannot be done, it warns you and calculates smoothly using the Alchabitius system. You can cycle through the different systems with a keystroke. The program is also capable of producing a Table of Houses for any latitude (including polar), and a sequential daily ephemerides of all centaurs or of the Sun, Moon, and 8 planets, for any length of time, and send it either to the screen or to a file. The output includes the Greenwich ST at 0h and is separated by month with the intitial of the day and markers for direct and retrograde stations. The calculations cover the period 4700 BC to 9000 AD for the principal planets (Pluto only -3000 to +3000), 1001 AD to 2019 for the main centaurs, and 1701-2018 for the the other centaurs, the asteroids, and the trans-neptunians. Webmaster's note: This is a terrific program for calculations. This program is updated on a weekly/monthly basis; I will update the file when it has changed significantly. The asteriod file is also regularly added to, for people interested in Asteroids, there is a file you can download from the author's site, You can find his address in the 45k help file included with the program,if there is any demand for it I will include it here. 
Download RiyalClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Real Time (Astronomy) Dos 271k zip.This software was initially written to make life easier for owners of Dobsonian reflecting telescopes, which use simple alt- azimuth mountings, instead of the heavier and more expensive equatorial mountings found on many telescopes. However, it has turned out to be extremely valuable for observers using any kind of telescope, or binoculars. It allows one to determine very quickly whether an object is visible, and if so, how high in the sky it is. It also allows one to select a sequence of objects, and display information about each one. It corrects positions of objects in catalogs for precession, and also contains a very accurate determination of local sidereal time, typically within one or two seconds of the sidereal time calcualted by the U.S. Naval Observatory's "Floppy Almanac". This information is updated continuously, yielding accurate real-time values for an object's altitude, azimuth, and for sidereal time, for as long as you wish. Previously, only users of telescopes having equatorial mountings could find unseen objects using setting circles, by dialing the Right Ascension and Declination of the object, after carefully aligning the polar axis of the telescope with Polaris. With this software, it now becomes possible for users of telescopes on alt- azimuth mountings to find objects using a different kind of setting circle: altitude and azimuth circles, aligned only to the earth's gravitational and magnetic fields, respectively.RT is a real-time program, intended to be used on a computer  
Download Real TimeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

SoupUp2 v1.2 win95 1.814m.This program is ideal for the beginner it is simple to use, produces a chart, a listing, and delineates it as well. there is no help (I am trying to get this) but as it is really easy to use, it is probably unnecessary.  
Download SoupUp2Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Sun_Moon info Win95 116kzip.Sun and Moon Position of the Sun - Calculates the position of the Sun for the global date and time. Sunrise - Calculates the time of sunrise for the day set in the global date. Equation of Time - The difference in minutes and seconds between the position of the sun and the position of the fictional mean sun. This may be used for sundial corrections. Equinox/Solstice - Calculates the two equinoxes and solstices for the year of the global date. Position of the Moon - Calculates the position of the Moon for the global date and time. Moonrise - Calculates the time of moonrise for the day set in the global date. It will also print the phase of the moon for the beginning of the day. Angle of Limb - Computes the angle of the moons bright limb which is measured in a counter-clockwise direction from the 12 o'clock position. It also shows the percent illuminated and draws a picture of the moon for the the global julian date. Phases of the Moon - Calculates the four (or five) phases of the moon for the month of the global date. Sun/Moon Chart - Produces a chart of twilight times, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset and phases of the moon for the month of the global date. It will also print the phases of the moon for that month, and equinoxes or solstices, or eclipses. Eclipses - Lists all the solar and lunar eclipses for the current year. Print Calendar Chart - Draws the monthly calendar for the selected month in a new window. You can customize this calendar, fill it with the monthly astronomical data, and print it to your default printer. Since only scaleable fonts are used, your calendar will be much more attractive if you use Facelift, Adobe's Type Manager, or True Type (when available!))Webmaster's note: This is the only program I have come accross that calculates sunrise/sunset to one minute accurately when I do this calculation, I am always a couple of minutes out, I have never found out why.  
Download Sun_Moon InfoClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Starmate Dos 264k zip. Very nice program, good graphics, lots of functions, Dos program
with Windows performance. this is the updated 1999 version.
Download StarmateClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Starstream Birthday Reminder Win95 2.875.zip. If you, like me tend to forget peoples birthdays sometimes, this program is just what you want! The source code is also incudeded it has many features not described here. 
Download Star StreamClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Transits Win95 173k zip.Calculates transits with text. if you make your chart the default
and put it's icon in the start up folder. It will show your transits with a text report for
each transit, each day when you start your computer. or it will show a transit for any date
you want.
Download Transits for Win95Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Transits Exe Dos 142k zip. I like this program because it shows an outer natel and
inner transits wheel.
Download Transits for DosClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Viostar Win95 2.189m zip.This is the only program I have seen for working with Harmonics superb graphics. this is a beta version, but I found it worked all right for me
as you can see it is a big download, but well worth it. It can use the chart information from
the Astrolog program. That is if you can make Astrolog perform it's tricks, if you can't then see my Miscellaneous page for details of a huge site that offers massive help!
Go to Viostars Web siteClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to go to Viostar's Web site.

You and Me Win95 93k zip. Similar to the above program (Me and You) relationship charts
will compliment the other program.
Download You and MeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.


Biograph.exe Win 3.0 onwards, 85k zip. nice graphics.
Download Biograph.exeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Bio201d.exe dos 36k. small dos program, does the job.
Download Bio201dClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

There are very few programs on graphology on the net, I have managed to locate this one.
Graphlog.exe Win 3.1 onwards, 169k zip. you will need a scanner or one of those drawing board things instead of the mouse to input your handwriting and get a report.
samples included.
Download Grapholog.exeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Num.exe Dos & Win 3.1 onwards. 109k.zip numerology calculator. includes Pas source code.
Download Num.exeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Numero one dos. 262k zip  good program prints or saves  report.
Download Numero OneClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Int.exe Dos 181k . zip Checks compatibility for up to four people and gives report.
Download Int.exeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Numeruna Win95 140k zip. Does all the calculations for you, very user friendly.
Download NumerUnaClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

NumberOlogy Win95 374k zip. When you have entered your birth data, this program will show (1) Birth chart data, and transit interpretations. (2) Numerology Forcast for 1-12 months ahead, gives very comprehensive report.
Download NumberOlogyClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

There are not many programs on this subject on the net. if you persevere with this
program and go through the check list you get a very good report, incidentally it is
amazing how palmistry supports Astrology, for example: I have Mars in Aries in my
chart, and a line of Mars on each hand, which is fairly rare. There used to be a beautifully illustrated definitive hardback book on the integration of these two subjects by Fred Gettings published by Trewin Copplestone Publishing Ltd, London . (493 pages).
palm.exe Dos 302k zip.
Download Palm.exeClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.


Tarot.exe dos 12k zip. tiny program included here because the Pas source code
is included and would interest the budding programmer.
Download Tarot for DosClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Tarot.exe Win 3.1 onwards 197k zip. This is a rare little program because it has
meanings for all 78 cards face up and reversed,  156 meanings in all.
Download Tarot for WindowsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.


Cards Win 95 89k zip. Find your cards of destiny, uses playing cards. I could not find my cards of destiny at first. So I did what I always do in these cases, I read the instructions properly. this little program is in the form of a windows help program, good fun.
Download CardsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astro Fonts 34k zip. Two true type fonts for Astrology, often useful.
Download Astro FontsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Astro icons 60k zip. This is a collection of 207 Astrological Icons including TNP's
Download Icon CollectionClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Gif Utility Win95 192k zip. If you work with Gifs, you will want this little utility
Download Gif Utility Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Dimension4v4.1 Win95 154k zip. Time is important to Astrologers. With this in mind,
I have included this little utility. Dimention4 will check your clock against the U.S. Navy atomic clock, or numerious other gov: clocks,and then automatically reset your clock,
to the correct time. It will dothis once per connection to the internet, and then dissapear,
or every period of minutes that you specify. If it does need to adjust your clock,it tells
you by how much. There are a lot of programs that do this; however, I wanted one that
did it's job reliably, and then got lost withouta lot of button clicks, this is it. Also bear in mind that all computer clocks seem to run slow therefore this will affect all real time programs, Astrological, Fax, email time stamp, etc. If you haven't checked your clock for six months or so you will get a shock. 
Download Dimension 4. Click the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Shadows Win 95 985k.Shadows is a software running under Windows 95 or NT 4 for designing flat sundials.Shadows is a freeware.The features are: - sundial for any latitude and any longitude - Wizard that guides you during the sundial creation . horizontal sundial . southern sundial . occidental sundial . oriental sundial . vertical sundial with any orientation . flat sundial with any orientation and inclination - included database with 550+ locations all over the world - ability to create or modify a location into the database - drawing of the sundial at scale 1:1 on many paper sheets - plan with dimensions of the style - equation of time graph and data values - co-ordinates of the hour lines - co-ordinates of the declination lines - Tool for drawing a protractor - print and preview - full on-line help - drag-and-drop support - Support of French and English languages (except on-line help) Webmaster's note: Your schoolday French will come flooding back when you read this helpfile!  
Download ShadowsClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Pagan Day Book Win95 126k. When you run the Pagan Daybook a window will open showing you: - The day, and its meaning. Each of the day names we currently use is based on the name of a god or goddess. - The tide based on the time of day. - The actual time. - What significance the day has in the pagan calendar. On days which are not festivals of one sort or another you'll see the phrase "no observances". - A graphic which pertains to the day. - The current phase of the moon, if today will see one of the eight prominent lunar transitions.  
Download Pagan Day BookClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

Lens Win 95 114k."Another Lens" displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software. The window contents can be locked, and saved to a file or copied to the clipboard for taking screenshots. Several additional options, like crosshairs, resizing the window and hiding the caption bar and/or main menu. Stays on top of other windows optionally. Note for fellow programmers: Full source code included (Delphi 2.01). Webmasters Note: When, for example, there is a predominance of conjunctions in a chart it is sometimes difficult to see what is what, this little gadget can help.  
Download LensClick the Genie's Magic Lamp to download the program.

"That's all Folks"

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