This dAnIeL cHaN's site
is owned by AnNiE

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hArLoW!! aNd WeLcOmE tO dAnIeL cHaN's WeBrInG!! As You HaVe NoTiCeD iF yOu HaVe bEeN hErE bEfOrE....tHeRe HaS bEeN a MaJoR rEvAmP oF tHiS sITe. I wAsN't ThAt PlEaSeD wItH tHe OtHeR sO i DeCiDeD tO dO sOmEtHiNg AbOuT iT...bUt SuRe HoPe It Is MoRe Of An ImPrOvEmEnT rAtHeR tHan A bAcKwArD mOvE..hEhHeH..sO lEt'S mOvE oN, sHaLl We??

tHiS wEbRiNg HaS bEeN sPeCiAlLy SeT uP tO LiNk AlL fAnS oF dAnIeL cHaN wHo HaVe CrEaTeD hOmEpAgEs FoR tHiS iNcReDiBlE gUy AnD tO dRaW hIs FaNs ClOsEr To OnE aNoThEr EvEn ThOuGh We ArE tOo FaR aPaRt GeOgRaPhIcAlLy... iT aLsO aImS tO hElP tO oThErS tO gEt To KnOw MoRe AbOuT dAnIeL tHrOuGh ThIs WeBrInG aNd To BrInG mOrE pEoPlE tO yOuR sItE.  

sO iF yOu HaVe A hOmEpAgE oF dAnIeL, plEaSe Do JoiN uS nOw!! We ArE a SmAlL grOuP bUt We LuRvE tO hAvE yOu!!!

SoMe ThInGs To NoTe :

the homepage that is to be included in the Spring should be on dAnIeL cHaN

it is acceptable if there is only a page on dAnIeL cHaN even though the rest of your homepage contains any other information

it is alrite if you do not want to put the ring fragment/logo on the front page but it must be included in your homepage

ThIs AiN't DiFfIcUlT tO kEeP rItE.... sO jOiN dAnIeL's " FaMiLy" NoW!!

tO kNoW mOrE aBoUt WeBrInGs: wat are webrings, how it works...

tO sUbMiT yOuR sItE: just fill in a form and that's it!!

tO lIsT tHe SiTeS iN tHe QuEuE: see who are in the queues waiting to join us a3.gif (8765 bytes)

tO lIsT tHe SiTes iN tHe WeBrInG: take a look who is part of us!!

tO eDiT yOuR sItE: with your can edit wat wrote about your site


iF yOu EnCoUnTeR aNy PrObLeMs...PlEaSe FeEl FrEe To MaIl Me .AnD i WoUlD aPpReCiAtE yOuR cOmMeNtS iN mY gUeStBooK aNd Do My BeSt To ImPrOvE oN iT...ThAnK yOu





dAnIeL cHaN's Web Ring made possible by
the Webring and New Dream Network.