Freqently Asked Questions

Alright everyone - we know you love Aaron Lohr, and that you probably want to know even more about him. BUT - before you fire off an email with your questions, please do two things for us: 1) Skim through this entire site - there's a lot of stuff on here that may answer your question before you ask it, and 2) Read through our list of FAQs - questions that many before you have already asked. Again, you may find your answer here. If you don't, then please do fire off that email and we'll do our best to help you out!

FAQ #1: Have you ever met Aaron? What's he like?
Unfortunately for MG and I, we've never had the chance to meet Aaron. Although you never know what the future holds... But based on emails we've received from him in the past, and on "personal testimonies" we've gotten from some who have met him, he's an all-around nice guy. In other words, you've picked a really good person to adore. Congratulations on your good taste!

FAQ #2: Do you have Aaron's email address? Can I have it?
Actually, no, we don't have Aaron's email address. We just have his brother's, and I'm not even sure where it's buried right now - somewhere in our mail account, no doubt. And no, you can't have it. It has been our policy from the beginning that we will do our best to avoid invading anyone's privacy - especially Aaron's. He has a right to it, just the same as you and I. Besides that, he also asked us not to pass that email addy on. Sorry folks!

FAQ #3: Does Aaron have a wife or girlfriend?
To the best of our knowledge, Aaron is not married. He in all probability does have a girlfriend, but we have yet to determine her actual name. There was a big debate about this some months back, but we never did arrive at a real answer. If we're meant to know about her, we will eventually, I'm sure. :)

FAQ #4: What is Aaron's racial background?
This one is still a mystery to us. I've heard bi-racial, Mexican, Jewish and Eastern European. MG was going to try to work on this one, so maybe we'll have an answer to this soon.

FAQ #5: What is Aaron's next project?
Apparently, it's a movie (television) about the 3 Stooges. We'll definitely post more about this when we have additional info.

That's it for now - hope this has helped!

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