Kathleen's WWW

Kat's WWW

This page best viewed with eyes

Hello. I'm going to warn you right now, all this page has is stuff about me and my friends and stuff... It has no reason to intrest you at all, unless you delight in learning useless things about people you will probably never ever meet. I've always wondered why people bother making personal pages....So:

If you really are hell bent on listening to my rant and ramble, you are

  a) Crazy
  b) Bored
  c) Blind
  d) Bored
  e) Paid to do this
  f) Bored
  g) Being threatened to do this
  h) Did I mention bored?
  i) All of the above
If you're not, turn back now!!!

I created this page so that people I will never know can discover things about me, then in turn can blackmail me for the 25.09$ I have to my name. Yup, I won a 25$ prize in an essay contest! (2nd place) I'm counting the ca$h before it gets to me tho...And maybe, while doing this, I can learn something new about myself...like how many typos I can make in one senence....yikes.

Well, time to get on with it. This is me, on the outside. Straight As, Varsity BBall team, 6th grade piano, 8th grade school. I don't really have one particular group of friends, just anybody who feels like talking to a-- well-- nerd like myself. I do have several really great, close, sweet friends, but I don't really fit in with their groups, so I talk to them one-on-one most of the time. I never feel like I fit in with any of the big groups, but I think it's all in my head...my friends have tried time and time again to get me to see that I *do* fit in, but NEway...

I avoid the popular people (the preps, aka Snob Squad) like the plague. There are now at least 3 cafeteria tables of them, and several smaller tables! Hmm, that's an odd way to measure people. Well, there are probably a few more, but most of them are in gr. 8, and the gr. 8s eat at the same time so I think that's the bulk of them. They're not mean to me, I just don't feel comfortable around them, like I'm inferior or an alien...not that aliens are inferior! They look like a flock of sheep to me, (the popular people, not the aliens) it's kinda funny cuz if one gets up to go somewhere, so do the rest, one by one, like an ant colony.

NEhoo, 'nuff of that. Phones are cool. Gee, I change topics awful quick. If you answer the fone a funny way, (like Sheena who will on occasion say "The sky is falling! May I take your order?") or have I unique answering machine message, or just a funny story about fones, I'd love to hear it!!! EMail me!!! ultra_katt@hotmail.com

A typical phone conversation with me:

Ring! Ring!

Me: "Hello?" or if I'm feeling brave: "House of Gadd, Kathleen speaking." (House of God, Jesus speaking ^_^)

Caller #1: "Hi. Whatcha doin'?"

Me: "Nothing." (Even if I am doing something.)

Caller #1: "What's up?"

Me: "The ceiling, the sky. What's up with you?"

Caller #1: "Not much." OR "I was wondering..." If the former is said, half-hearted chatter continues until something interesting happens (like Gillian tries to kill a fly and carry on a conversation at the same time), or we become even border and decide to do something else. If the latter is said, usually a plan is made or an issue is cleared up. Rumors, for example, usually end up being disspelled in this manner. Plans for movies, hockey games, etc. are also made this way.

Um, I thought of an interesting question last night....if aliens landed in your backyard and one of them said 'Take me to your leader', who would you take them to? Email me if you know who!

Well. Do you like the Beatles? Simon and Garfunkle? Diana Ross and the Supremes? I love them!!!!! My fave S&G song would have to be 'The Sound of Silence'. Dad saw them live at Fredericton a long time ago! and he was born in the same hospital as John Lennon! Pretty cool, eh? Yes, I am Canadian.

Well, supper's on the table, so t-t-t-that's all [for now] folks!

PS: My ICQ# is 6918080 so if you have ICQ, talk to me!