<BGSOUND SRC="/jerry_hawkins1/watermak.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
  Albert Einstein was a  man of rare insight and intelligence. With regards to the world of science,  he was a physicist and  teacher.    A gentleman with a delightful sense of humor...!
"Few are the number who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts..."
"Peace cannot be obtained through violence...it can only be obtained through reason..."
"Place your hand on a hot stove...and a minute seems like hours...sit next to a pretty girl and an hour seems like minutes....now that's realitivity..!"
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He never knew me...but somehow,  I think I got to know him.
He had a way of conceptualizing our world and the universe we live in ...with a  more  analytically insightful and stimulating  point of view.

   Physics and mathmatical evaluations of Dr. Einstein's ...along with his theorys about light and matter seem to stimulate many other scientists to reach out just a little further in their own pursuits,  regarding studies of realitivity as well as numerous other matters in their discoverys in science.
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