Dana'a SNL Characters

Garth Algar (Wayne's World)
Woody Allen
Lyle Billup, The Effeminate Heterosexual
George Bush
Kirk Cameron
Johnny Carson
Ching Change
Chris, Pat's special someone
Church Lady
Lyle Clarke, one of Toonces' owners
Grumpy Old Man
Hans, in Pumping Up With Hans and Franz
Casey Kasem
Robin Leach
Paul McCartney
John McLaughlin, in the McLaughlin Group
George Michael
Dennis Miller
Mischu, apprentice of KoKo, the French clown
H. Ross Perot
Regis Philbin
Buddy Pecisely
Dan Quayle
Keith Richards
One of A Couple of Sammies
Derek Stevens, singer of "Choppin' Broccoli"
Jimmy Stewart
John Travolta

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