
'Guitar'--Dana making fun of lead guitar players "they look like a dog scraping his butt on the driveway."
'Megatee'--The 100-year-old man at Toys 'R' Us, wanting his parents to "buy me this useless peice of plastic!"
'Oldmanakedtime'--The 100-year-old man: "It's NAKED TIME!"
'Nakedtime'--Listen about Dana's kids' "naked time" and how they *ping*!
'perotbit'--Ross Perot- "Can-I-Finish? Can I finish, can I finish, can I finish?"

Wayne's World (the movie)

'Party'--"Party on, Wayne!" "Party on, Garth!" "It's Wayne's World! Party time! Excellent!"
'Schwing!'--Wayne and Garth- "Schwing!"
'Bugs'--Garth: "Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl?" Wayne: "No...(laughs)" Garth: "Neither did I...I was just asking."
'Hurl'--"Uhh...I think I'm gonna hurl!"
'Bacon'--"I smell bacon. Does anyone else smell bacon?" "Yeah, I definetely smell a pork product of some kind."

Pumping Up With Hans and Franz

'Actual'--"First of all, do not adjust your TV set, this is our actual size."
'Buttock'--"Maybe we should get a hold of your buttocks muscles until they're all black and blue and swollen."
'Live'--"Ok, Franz, enough talk, we're just here to say 'Live from New York, it's Saturday *clap* Night!"

Church Chat (with Enid the Church Lady)

'Satan'--"Could it be...SATAN?"
'Football'--The Church Lady and football.

Misc. Saturday Night Live

'Broccoli'--The famous "Choppin' Broccoli" song, sung by Derek Stevens(Carvey).
'Ross'--Ross Perot saying "Hold it there, cracker boy, I'm not finished," to Bill Clinton.

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