My network
of ultra-reliable spies have just gotten this info off of George Lucas's
very own computer, and have been able to verify it by double-checking it
off of ILM's database and by grilling Lucas's maid for 15 hours straight.
Apparently, George Lucas is desperate to change some of Boba Fett's character
in the first trilogy simply to make EP2:SOM work more smoothly with
First off,
my faithful team of espionage experts have given me some script changes
for ESB:NE which Lucas has Rick McCallum working on even now. Some
of the scenes for this upcoming Nifty Edition are the inclusion
of 4 new song and dance numbers - a new "Ice Capades"-style opening number
with the Rebels on Hoth which will precede the original "firing of the
probe droids scene", a second number on Hoth with the Wampas and Tauntauns
"dirty dancing", an all-cgi tap-dancing Yoda number, and finally, a scene
with the Emperor doing a rap for 5 straight minutes while Vader listens
intently (my spies say this rap is there to clear up the total of 30 years
missing between the various Episodes). Another non-Fett change to
ESB will be in the end of the duel with Luke
and Vader, where this time, ILM will make Vader merely chop off a lock
of Luke's hair instead of his hand, and after Luke jumps to his supposed
demise, we'll see Vader pick up the lock of hair and hear crying from inside
the suit. One of my spies, Darth
Naughty says he thinks there will be a single CGI tear come out of the
dark lord's helmet...
my spies tell me that in order to make Naboo and the Gungans fit into the
main plans of ANH and the original ideas for the whole saga, during EP2,
the Gungans will decide to become a space-fairing race of warrior mercenaries,
leaving Naboo and donning special space-armor. Once again, Jar Jar's clumsy
antics get him banished from the group, and he's not allowed to fight with
the others or even wear the armor. Chancellor Palpatine turns out to be
a clone of Darth Sidious who's stopped taking orders from the Sith Master,
while Sidious is revealed as Anakin's father. I'm told that Sidious will
hire the Gungan mercenaries to hunt down and kill the Jedi in order to
get them out of the way so he can deal with his clone, Palpatine, once
and for all without interruption. This battle between the armored mercenaries
and the Jedi does not go well for either, and will, from what I understand,
become a war about that one clone - Chancellor Palpatine. A war about a
clone, sound familiar? Anyway, eventually, the armored warriors are wiped
out, and Palpatine makes it forbidden to discuss Gungans in any way after
this (which is meant to explain why there is no mention of the Gungan race
in ANH).
How does
this all tie in to ESB: NE? Good question, glad you asked...
Spies working
in the Lucasfilm lunchroom last month overheard the first rumblings about
the upcoming Nifty Edition, but at the time, posting it would have
revealed my sources. However, now that my spies and spymasters have scoured
every inch of Lucasfilm, we can now bring you the truth, bizarre as it
is. Apparently, Lucas will be making a serious character change to
Boba Fett in ESB to tie in to Ep 2 better, and the notorious
bounty hunter will have many more scenes in the film. Fett now has scenes
on Hoth, Cloud City, even Dagobah, from what I'm told. However, much
of Fett's dialogue will remain the same, although certain minor changes
have to be made to fit the new continuity better. Here are several of the
changes taken from Lucas's bathroom computer...
(during Fett's meeting with
Vader and the other bounty hunters on the Executor)
VADER: (cont') ...I want them alive.
No disintegrations.
yousa wishen.
(this next one's during Han's torture...)
VADER: (to Fett) You may take Captain
Solo to Jabba the Hut after I have Skywalker.
FETT: He's
no goody to meesa if'n hesa dead, okeyday?
VADER: Huh? ...Oh! He will not be
permanently damaged.
(... during Han's carbon freeze...)
Exsqueeze me, what if hesa no surviven? Hesa worthen alotta moolah to meesa,
VADER: The Empire will compensate
you if he dies.
(the final dialogue change is on the landing
platform with Slave I...)
The two guards slide Han's encased body into
an opening in the rear of the bounty hunter's ship...
Muy! Putten da Cap'n Solo in da cargo holden.
As you can see, there is a fundamental
change to Boba Fett in ESB:NE, and it's painfully obvious what Lucas
has in mind. Of course, none of this would be reportable if my spies
hadn't gotten me ultimate proof, and now I can show that proof now, simply
scroll down....