Leuce (hey twin!) - 10/01/00 06:55:13
My URL:http://homes.acmecity.com/tv/lineup/272/
My Email:ltaboy@yahoo.com
Do you consider animation an art form?: Occasionally...
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: All the time...
....do you ever listen to them?: Depends what they tell me...
Great site twin! Love your graphics. I'm still learning html - got the basics down, but I've got a long way to go!
ac05jn - 09/27/00 00:32:41
My URL:http://ac05jn.com
My Email:book@ac05jn.cjb.net
What's your fave cartoon show?: x-men!
Do you consider animation an art form?: yup
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: not telling
....do you ever listen to them?: not usually
hi, like the pics, I didnt see any email adds though - how do I contact you!? anyways, give me a shout or check out my page :)
Ai'kele - 08/18/00 14:55:24
My Email:Williamsmn@integramn.net
What's your fave cartoon show?: gargoyles
Do you consider animation an art form?: yes
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: no
....do you ever listen to them?: yes
cool page. but the link to "Kidnapped" is broken.
J. E. - 06/18/00 05:58:58
My Email:Williamsmn@integramn.net
What's your fave cartoon show?: gargoyles
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: other than my own?
please e-mail me when you finish 'A Mother's Love'. I liked what you have so far. Either you're a really good writer or I'm so Owen/puck obsessed that any story with him in it is good. I'm kinda hoping the first is true(my sister already thinks I'm crazy)
Caryatid - 01/07/00 22:56:13
My URL:/Caryatid_99/
My Email:afyc@mx3.redestb.es
What's your fave cartoon show?: HERCULES
Do you consider animation an art form?: YEAH!!!!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: UHHH... Sometimes
....do you ever listen to them?: Sometimes
I'm a HadesAngel. A green nymph. His fan. He's my love. My chief... Hades. WOW babe, he's really a man.
Leuce, I love your site I LIKE THE PICTURES!!!!
Have fun with my website mortals!!!
Luck, daughter of Puck - 12/28/99 21:01:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mcdowall13/The_Show.html?938380905210
My Email:mcdowall13@yahoo.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyals
Do you consider animation an art form?: Oh dear me yes.... All things to do with TV is an art form. Acting in it's self is an art form, and there fore the actors who do the voices are making art, and the animation designers are most sertainly maki
g art as well..
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Pardon, who's speaking.... No I don't want any ice cream... No I don't wanna go watch X-files... Oh sorry did you ask me a question?? the voices in my head were bothering me.
....do you ever listen to them?: Listen to who?? AAAAAAA get out of my mind!!!!!! Hmmmm ice cream... Oh I gotta go gotta watch X-files now.
Love the site... Puck rules, and Oberon drules!!!!!
he he he..... Come and see my site to it's small but it's there..
All Best
The White Fairy.
Brak - 04/03/99 01:50:13
My URL:http://www.sfwest.com/BRAK/BRAK.html
My Email:Brakchat@hotmail.com
Cool Site! Come visit my chat site sometime and bring your friends!
Kyah - 11/04/98 22:02:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ldykyah/index.htm
My Email:LdyKyah@aol.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles
Do you consider animation an art form?: sure
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Yes
....do you ever listen to them?: sometimes
Great Page..love your Artwork!..I draw to..not that great though..if you ever get a chance..check out my site :)
10/23/98 10:23:03
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/29/98 07:04:49 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
i really dont like this page! it has nothing to do with Gargoyles!
michaelangelo alexander st.cross - 07/31/98 14:49:06
What's your fave cartoon show?: gargoyles, it's allot like home
Do you consider animation an art form?: how could i not?
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: only once, and it was Oberon
....do you ever listen to them?: i asked him a question, i liked the answer
fifteen hundred years ago i met the lord oberon and i give him my respect, i hope that you are doing the same. it is so sad to see so many monkeys that do not believe that we existed and still be fascinated by our exploits. who are you and why have you ta
en the name of oberon and the lost paradise of avalon as a piece of your fiction. i am honestly interested. if done well, such fictions can be a wonderful bridge to bring jehova's apes and the third race together. know that if you are respectful and conti
ue with beautiful art like what i see above, then you have the blessing of Us. have a nice day...
Lady Brooklyn (take a guess where I got that!) - 04/21/98 00:28:29
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AZBrooklyn/mystic.html
My Email:AZBrooklyn@aol.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: GARGOYLES!!!!!!
Do you consider animation an art form?: OF COURSE! I want to become a computer anumator for my career!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Sometimes, I never know. Mainly when I should watch Gargoyles:)
....do you ever listen to them?: Of course, they never stear me wrong. :)
Cool site. I hope you'll visit mine. I'm going to expand to include Gargoyles soon. I want really badly to show off my gargoyle, Iris. :)
Lady Brooklyn (take a guess where I got that!) - 04/21/98 00:27:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AZBrooklyn/mystic.html
My Email:AZBrooklyn@aol.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: GARGOYLES!!!!!!
Do you consider animation an art form?: OF COURSE! I want to become a computer anumator for my career!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Sometimes, I never know. Mainly when I should watch Gargoyles:)
....do you ever listen to them?: Of course, they never stear me wrong. :)
Cool site. I hope you'll visit mine. I'm going to expand to include Gargoyles soon. I want really badly to show off my gargoyle, Iris. :)
mo-reney - 03/01/98 23:47:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/sillygirl1/index.html
My Email:maurenem@hotmail.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Underdog!
Do you consider animation an art form?: of course!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: is that what that is?
....do you ever listen to them?: only when I they tell me to
Helllllloooooooo!!!!! Are me and Jenny-fer the only ppl who sign this thing? I think so. Anyways, I think you should check out my page cause I added more stuff : ) Pretty soon I'll be adding cute pics : ) And you said you'd sign my new gbook! hmmmmm, n
ce meeting you : ) would you agree that I'm more weird in person? I think so. you know I actually practice being weird? That's kind of weird in and of itself, so I don't know why I practice. But I take great pride in my weirdness. Oh yeah, you're an a
esome artist! And so's Laurian (spelling?) even if she won't admit it. I think she definitely knows she's an artist. I think everyone's kinda an artist in their own way, ya know? Like I write and play flute, both forms of art. And you animate and dra
, art. And actors are artists. Okay, I think I just took up a lot of room in your guest book. sorry 8) Feel free to take up as much room as you want in mine. : ) Okay, I'm really gonna go now. Bye-bye!!!! "may the devil be confused on the way to you
house." ~George Carlin
Jenn the Magnificent - 01/25/98 20:07:08
My Email:koot@hotmail.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: GARGOYLES!!!! :)
Do you consider animation an art form?: But of course! ;)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: More than I could ever count ;)
....do you ever listen to them?: Heck ya! How do you think I make any important decision? ;)
You need updates, darling, and a place for your FF stuff ;)
Just commenting ;)
Luv ya! ;)
-Jenn :)
Kelly - 01/23/98 20:50:09
My Email:klychin@worldnet.att.net
What's your fave cartoon show?: the simpsons
Do you consider animation an art form?: 'course!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: um . . . yeah, i guess
....do you ever listen to them?: hmm. . . yep
Mo - 01/16/98 11:28:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/sillygirl1/index.html
My Email:Mo's Mystical Mansion
What's your fave cartoon show?: have no fear, Underdog is here!
Do you consider animation an art form?: yes!!!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: "no" "tell her the truth" "no is the truth" "than who am I" "I don't know!"
....do you ever listen to them?: I do what the voices inside my head tell me to do.
helloooooo! It was, hmm, shall we say interesting, talking to you on the hone ;) Um, I can't think of anything else to say. Give me a break, it's 6;30 am! Uh, check out my page, I added more stuff : )
*Dozes off*
Mo (Jenn's semi-normal friend) - 12/27/97 17:50:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/sillygirl1/index.html
My Email:maurenem@hotmail.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Animaniacs
Do you consider animation an art form?: how could I be friends w/Jenn, and not?
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: yes
....do you ever listen to them?: yes
How dare you call me semi-normal! I hate that word, normal, it might as well be a curse word. I can't wait to meet a girl that's taller than me! Gargoyles suk! CDD is okay, though, all your pics are cute. Always remember, the more you run over a dead
possum, the flatter it gets.
Jenn! :) - 12/27/97 10:06:20
My URL:http://I-dont-have-a-page.com/poor-me/boo-hoo-hoo.html
My Email:JenKoob@juno.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles and Cats Don't Dance!!!!! :) :) :)
Do you consider animation an art form?: Yah, sure, why not, its perty ;)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: "Yes." "No, you don't Jenn." "Yes you do." "Huh?" "Nevermind" *stares innocently at the floor*
....do you ever listen to them?: Hmmmmmmm? Did you say something? ;)
Urk, I messed up on my first try at signing this gosh-darn thing! *laffs* Erm, i was bored and not tired so I looked at yer page again* Still nifty as ever *gringrins* Hey, how come ~I'M~ not mentioned on it anywhere's? *acts insulted* Candy's on yer page
why not ME!?!?!?!? I'm MUCH cooler, even if I AM a lowly freshmman! *laffs* Dont mind me, I'm insane ;)
Anywho, hope tp see or hear from you tomorrow, and see ya for real on Sunday! *HUUUUUUUUUUUUGS*
-Jenn :)
Jenn! :) - 12/27/97 10:01:40
My URL:http://I-dont-have-a-page.com/poor-me/boo-hoo-hoo.html
My Email:JenKoob@juno.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles and Cats Don't Dance!!!!! :) :) :)
Do you consider animation an art form?: Yah, sure, why not, its perty ;)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: "Yes." "No, you don't Jenn." Yes you do. Huh? Nevermind *stares innocently at the floor*
Xavier Ravenshadow - 12/07/97 06:02:25
My Email:ravenshadow@hotmail.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: gargoyles
Do you consider animation an art form?: yes
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: yes
....do you ever listen to them?: no
Rich - 10/25/97 00:20:37
What's your fave cartoon show?: Shinseiki Evangelion or Macross
Do you consider animation an art form?: i guess so
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: do you have to ask?
....do you ever listen to them?: all the time
Lady Puck - 10/21/97 23:36:16
My URL:working on one!
My Email:Eternity66@aol.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: uhhhh......No, I guess "Friends" isn't a cartoon. ;)
Do you consider animation an art form?: um, ....sorta. I guess..
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: NOOOOO LEAVE ME ALONE, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! *whispers* Shut up, Fred! Stop it, Ed! Mary! STOP FLIRTING WITH ED AND FRED! *turns to Ariel* Um, I'm sorry what was that?
....do you ever listen to them?: Well, they can be so manipulative, y'know?
Hi, Ariel! I didn't get to see any of your stuff today cuz my computer is soo slow today it won't work right and let me go to it, but It's really cool from what I've seen and I can't wait to see it all! :) Keep up the good work!
Ed and Fred are copyrighted "imaginary friends" from the creators of my good friends, Lisa Thompson and Mylikia Adams. Mary is a copyrighted "imaginary friend" of the creator of ME, Laura Clement. They are all really sick so don't talk to them if you see
em, thank you!
Ithil - 10/21/97 02:48:51
My URL:http://www.myst.org/ithil
My Email:ithil@myst.org
What's your fave cartoon show?: but..but.. I'm an adult now!!! *grins*
Do you consider animation an art form?: aye ;)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: they're taking over my life!!! I..can't bear it.. any..longer!!
....do you ever listen to them?: no!! they made me do it.. i swear... it's not me!!! *blinks* errrr...
Hey Ariel! :) love your art, love the site. Keep up the good work :)
Tiehl Abodean - 10/21/97 02:41:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/8113/Remorse.jpg
My Email:saxton@mcs.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: its a tie between Gargoyles and Captain N. but they don't show Captain N anymore. the bastard children.=P
Do you consider animation an art form?: of course!! DUH!=)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: another DUH!
....do you ever listen to them?: ummm....once in a while.*smile*
heyas Ariel! *grin* cool page. i PROMISE to get yer pic scanned!! *crosses her heart* long live Pointed ears!!*lifts her dreamberry wine mug*
Alison "Al =)" Wilgus - 10/21/97 01:29:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/7180
My Email:Alison_Wilgus@lsrhs.net
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargies, of course ;)
Do you consider animation an art form?: Hmm.....how many ways can I say YES!!!!! ;)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Uhhh...no...really....*looks around nervously*
....do you ever listen to them?: *grins* Only when they offer bribes. (Chocolate...mmmm....;)
Hiyas! *sticks out hand* Glad ta meet ya! Sorry I didn't tell you how nifty yer page was in person (well, as in person as one can get on the Internet...) but I'd dropped by S8 for a minute looking for someone (who, naturally, wasn't there *GRRR*) an, w
ll...what can I say? Your EM slot said "clicky!", and an obsessive-compulsive person such as myself just can't turn that sort of offer down!
In any case, your page is really shaping up nicely! Only one suggestion in fact - add thumbnails to yer gallery, so that all us lazy folks can see a bit of your work right away. ;)
Oh, an one other thing! Thanx fer putting up the TGS banner! As a member of the staff, I can tell ya we *really* appriciate the extra publicity!
Ah, well. Enough of my babbling! Keep up the good work! Ann, if ya have a fe extra minutes, drop by me page sometime an sign *my* guestbook. *grins, waves, and skips off to the land of homework*
Mer - 10/19/97 23:30:55
My URL:http://www.execpc.com/~myrlynn
My Email:myrlynn@execpc.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles, of course!
Do you consider animation an art form?: One of the most beautiful art forms out there!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Just one, but I hear him all the time.
....do you ever listen to them?: Of course! How else can you argue with yourself if you don't listen?!
Nice page, hey! I'll have ta make sure to come back when it's done and check it out!
JEB - 10/08/97 01:05:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/7984/
My Email:JEB215@aol.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles
Do you consider animation an art form?: Yes
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: No
....do you ever listen to them?: No
This looks like it'll be a great page! Can't wait to see more in the future! :)
Oberon - 10/08/97 00:48:52
My Email:asg99@juno.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: GARGOYLES!!
Do you consider animation an art form?: Yes! Anmition can do many things live action can't!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Of course he doesn't! I mean, of course I don't.
....do you ever listen to them?: YES! HELP ME, PLEASE!! THEY MAKE ME DO HORIBALE THINGS!!!!!!!
This page is cool! Itr has a lot of cool things!
Amber - 10/06/97 02:02:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/5662/
My Email:amber@softhome.net
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles! Hee hee... Of couse... ;)
Do you consider animation an art form?: YES! Ah ha ha ha!! It most certainly is!!! :D *coff*
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Yes... Why do you want to know... >:) Ah wells... *starts counting fingers* There's Ralph, and Mary and Mr. Snuffles and Avocado...
....do you ever listen to them?: Listen> Yyyeeeeeesssss... Why? *smiles innocently* Is there something wrong with that? :P ;)
My comments? Uh... I have no comments... Am I s'posed to have comments? >:) Okay, here 'tis... Just cuz I _feel_ like it. ;) *blinks* AAH! That faces! The faces! They're gonna get me! Thay're gonna get us all! AAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!! *coff* Whoops, heh... Th
t wasna it... Um... Kewl page! *gringrin* K, that's it. :) *packs up* *leaves* ;)
Ninane - 10/06/97 00:19:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/1077
My Email:tavernmistress@hotmail.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles!!! (Did you ever doubt? ;) )
Do you consider animation an art form?: Most certainly! Animators can draw tons better than me! ;)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Ummm.. whaddya mean.. voices? No, Ricky, I don't wanna do that.. Kaitlyn, stop it! Argh...
....do you ever listen to them?: What? Oh, no.. never.. nuh, uh.. no way.. rrrrr.. SHUSH!
Very cool page, sis! Yet another side of Avalon to explore.. we need more of these! Hey.. and I'll put in a good word to the Puckster for ya, okayers? ;))) Take care, and keep up the great work!
Darkone - 10/05/97 15:09:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/3908/
My Email:mlindsay@yesic.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargs! (of course)
Do you consider animation an art form?: Yuppers ;P
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: All the time....he I told you to shut up >:( No I am not going to......errr...never mind
....do you ever listen to them?: I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might incriminate me :P
Cool page Ariel :)
Jenn :) Two N's :) Not Jeninin (no matter what my friends tell you) - 10/05/97 05:35:04
My URL:http://I-dont-have-a-page.com/poor-me/boo-hoo-hoo.html
My Email:JenKoob@juno.com
What's your fave cartoon show?: GARGIES!!!! YAY!!!!
Do you consider animation an art form?: YES!!! I can animate (sorta) Well not really, but I might work for Marvel comics someday :)
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Yes. No, you don't Jenn. Yes you do. Huh? Nevermind *stares innocently at the floor*
....do you ever listen to them?: Hmmm? Did you say something?
Hi! Very cool page :) It's just . . . um . . . very cool. Yeah. Cool. Very.
Very cool page
*wonders off aimlessly, occasionally breaking into hysterical giggles*
Ariel - 10/05/97 04:39:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/5256/ShoresofAvalon.htm
My Email:AmberD@worldnet.att.net
What's your fave cartoon show?: Gargoyles..of course!
Do you consider animation an art form?: Most certainly!
Do you ever hear voices inside your head?: Who? You mean Mr. Fritzy?
....do you ever listen to them?: Mr. Fritzy has advised me not to answer that.
Wow, it works! Mwahahahaha! I can now trap other peoples comments for all eternity! Ahh the sweet sensation of power... heheheheheh *rubs hands together maliciously**suddenly realizes the odd looks people are giving her and smiles innocently* Ahem, yes we
l, as you were.... *edges her way out the door*