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One White Tiger's
Screenwriter's Resources

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Recommended reading on Screenwriting

A number of superb references have been written on the subject of screenwriting. Below are the best I have found:

Also frequently recommended in misc.writing.screenplays

Screenwriting Resources on the Net

There is a wealth of information on the net about screenwriting. I have listed some of the links I have found most useful. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Before you think about moving to Hollywood or sending out your first script, I implore you to gather as much info as you can from the net and other resources! Remember, your first impression may be a lasting one; you may only get one chance with an agent, producer, or production company...make it count!

Links to Screenwriter's Resources

misc.writing.screenplays newsgroup. This is one of the best resources on the net. This group is populated by fledgling and established screenwriters.

Warning: postings in this newsgroup can be quite caustic at times. Read this group religiously for at least a month before posting questions... someone else will ask newbie questions for you and save you lots of flames! :)

Also, check out the m.w.s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file, courtesy of Rich Wilson. You can also find a treasure trove on the rest of Rich's Online Communicator site. There is a wealth of info here, and reading it before you ask newbie questions may pre-empt your posting flame-bait (like asking whether to use 2 or 3 brads)!!!

Charles Deemer's Screenwriter site
Charles has recently finished a massive update of this site. It is probably the single, most extensive resource of information about the craft of screenwriting on the net.

Terry Rossio's Wordplay
If you are serious about breaking into the screenwriting biz, you must visit this site. It gives you insider knowledge that is invaluable.

Drew's Script-O-Rama
The place to download screenplays. A surprising number of scripts are available online.

The Script Shop
Buy feature film and TV scripts online. Hundreds of scripts are available.

Done Deal
This site has current info on the latest script deals in Hollywood. Helps you figure out who's buying and selling what.

Screenwriter's Utopia
Christopher Wehner has put together a number of resources for screenwriters with many useful links.

New site that has excellent info on screenwriting contests and competitions, as well as other useful info.

Screenwriters On Line
A bit commercial, but it does have some good interviews with well-known screenwriters.

Internet Screenwriters Network
Another commercial site, run by Hollywood Network. It has a number of resources, such as chats with screenwriters, excellent articles, and limited contest info.

Jeff Miholer's Screenwriting Resources
Learn how to get in touch with other screenwriters and other useful information.

Screenwriter's Resource Center
Screenwriter's chat room, some useful links, and info on Screenwriting Software, with an excellent description of and online ordering for various screenwriting software packages.

The Online Communicator: Screenwriting Software Introduction
Reviews of various screenwriting software programs and macros.

screenwriting for screenwriters - Writer's Guild of America
The WGA home page. The WGA is the professional organization for screenwriters (TV and feature films). Some good articles on the biz.

Writer's Toolbox
A more general site on internet writer's resources. Worth checking out.

Hope this helps.

See also my Movie Page.

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If any of the links have moved or are unavailable, or if you have any suggestions or comments, please email me to let me know.

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