Resident Evil: Director's Cut
Type:Survival Horror
Price:Greatest Hits $20(US)

Now obviously this is a good game. If you haven't heard of this you don't have a Playstation or you live in some deserted island. This was the original horror game and set graphical standards and ausio standards for generations to come. The first was made in 1996. Then the Director's Cut was released in 1997 and now 1998 has offered us the Dual Shock Edition. This includes a special arranged game that is completely different and offers a few more scares. This version offers a total of 6 different games. 3 for Jill and 3 for Chris. You take the role of either of the two and are thrown into an old abandoned (supposedly) mansion in the middle of the Raccon City forest. Your chopper has left you and the team that went in to investigate the murders is missing. Get ready for a surprisingly intricate stroy involving a Night of the Living Dead/Outbreak type things.

Boy the graphics on this sure looked good in '96 but now unh. I mean they're not bad, and the backgrounds are great but look at Chris's shoulders. So yeah they do the job. Sounds are a must here and boy do they sound good. The music literally freaks the crap out of you and the howls and shrieks are great. The acting sucks but the voice-overs match the characters well, and who gives a flying poo about acting anyway as long as the gameplay is good.

Overall this is a great long-lasting game. And at the Greatest Hits price there is no reason that you should not own the classic of all classics



Pros Cons
The original story, the prelude to Resident Evil 2. It's movie material.
Several games for hours of replay
Puzzles are fun and not that hard.
Graphics are old!
Crappy acting!