The Eden Hall Academy's Library

The Library

This is where we are going to keep all our HTML code to help the members that want to build web pages.


<p> New paragraph

<br> New line

<hr> Horizontal line

<blockquote></blockquote> Seperates and indents text

<center></center> centers text

<i></i> Italics

<b></b> bold

<u></u> underline

<img src="picture location"> Inserts picture (after pasting, remove the example URL)

<a href="url"></a> Links to a page (after pasting, remove the example URL)

<a name="location"></a> Targets a location in your page

<a href="#location"></a> Links to location with in a page

<a href="mailto:email adress"></a> creates an email link

<font size="number 1-7"></font> changes font size

<font color="#code"></font> changes font color

<font face="arial"></font> changes font
If you have any questions or need more help than is given here, feel free to email: Bobbi Bombay