Okay, okay I bet you're thinking "What the heck is Carryin' Da Banna anyway?" Well, have you ever heard of games like fantasy football or fantasy baseball,where you pick atheletes to form a team? Carryin' Da Banna is kinda like that. You pick a newsie, and see if he sells the most papes that month. Get it? If you don't, read this and e-mail me if you have any questions.

When you're done reading this page, click here to register. If you wanna check the daily results of the game, click here. If you wanna see if you're registered and who has which newsie, click here.

Object of the game: Pick a newsie who you think will sell the most papes in thirty days. Since the game can't be based on the real newsies, the game will be based on chance. Every day, all 20 newsies will sell a certain amount of papes.The winning newsie is the newsie who has sold the most papes over 30 days.


Q: Can I play?

A: Of Course you can! Anyone can play, but you can only register once, no matter how many e-mail addresses you have.


Q: When does the league start?

A: The league officially starts on August 25th, 1999 and ends on September 24th, 1999.


Q:Is it too late to join?

A: Nope! It's never too late to join, as long as it's before September 24th, 1999 because that will be the starting of a new league.


Q: I wanna join! Now what do I do?

A: The first thing you hafta do is select a newsie. All 20 newsies are listed and you choose one newsie that you want the most.


Q:Can I pick a newsie even if someone else has it?

A: Yes, you can have the same newsie as someone else.


Q: If I win, what do I get?

A: The winner will get a custom made animated banner.


Q: What if more than one person wins?

A: All winners will get banners = )


Again, if you have any questions, please e-mail me!



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