Welcome to Classic TV Fan Fiction at SqueakyLand
Thanks for stopping by. To all fan fiction writers out there: I NEED stories! Either Classic Movies or Classic TV. Anything you send, as long as it's early 80's or older it's okay. It may seem like I am begging to receive material, and well yeah that's basically it...
Note: All stories appearing on this page are property of the authors and appear here because they want them to. So that means you can't touch a story unless you talk with the author first. You cannot take a story and put it on your page without the author's authorization. None of us authors own these shows, but we put a lot of hard work in creating this stories and we wish that our work is respected so DON'T TOUCH. (Names, Characters, etc. belong to their respecticve companies. We are making no money so don't sue... we're poor.)
Remember to send some feedback; authors want to hear from you!
Willimina "Squeaky" MacSqueakman
All in the Family Archie Bunker by S. Wilhelmina Feenster
A poem about Archie.The Andy Griffith Show Aunt Bea's Homemade Apple Pie by S. Wilhelmina Feenster
Song parody of Alexander's Ragtime Band
The Brady Bunch A Vacation We Will Go Or Maybe Not by Douglas Rand
1972-The Bradys are off to a vacation in Canada---or are they?The Unlucky Bracelet by Squeaky
1969-Marcia's lucky bracelet is lost! Will she find it before her boyfriend finds out?Miss Paranoia by Squeaky
1972-Jan freaks out when she finds her family is having a party without her.Tiger's Demise by Squeaky
1969-Since Tiger just seemed to disappear from the show, I wrote this story to show how could his departure could've been made on an episode.Marcia Is Losing It by Squeaky
1973- Find out how Marcia feels about her parents, siblings and the burden of being perfect.
Facts of Life It's a Warner Thing by Jacob and Mimi
Jo and Blair get locked inside Bloomingdale's
Gilligan's Island Gilligan and the Mermaid by Scott McClenny
No-one believes him when Gilligan has a close encounter of the nautical kind.
Happy Days Fonzie's Leather Jacket by Margaret Angel Face NEW March 27, 2002
The Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever (Song Parody)
The Honeymooners The Honeymooners on Family Feud by TriviaQueen2
Ralph on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" by TriviaQueen2
Knight Rider The Face of the Enemy by Cyberkay
A prologue of sorts for the televised episode "Goliath"
Laverne and Shirley Laverne and Shirley has 100+ stories so it has its own page.
M*A*S*H* Henry's Finest Hours by Melissa L
Before Col. Henry Blake's fateful flight, He sees a familiar face, which helps bring back a memory of an incident at the 4077th.
Magnum P.I.
Miscellaneous Beetlejuice and the Addam’s Family Meet Richie Cunningham
Howard needs a job so the family goes to Connecticut
Taxi New York Minute by Kristi
What if Alex got really honest? (alternate ending of the TV episode "Elaine's Old Friend" .)
Welcome Back Kotter The Journal by Katie
Ms. Fishbeck assigns her English Class to start a journal. Let's see what's on the minds of The Sweathogs.Sweathogs to the Rescue! by Katie
Juan and Freddie get jobs at County Hospital as orderlies, Little did they know, they'd actually save a life.The only things I ask for:
- No adult content/language please. No character goes mad and kills the rest; nobody joins a dark cult; nobody poses for any magazine... you get the idea.
- Send your stories in plain text (.txt) or .html format. I take the liberty of sometimes changing the font and size of the title and the author's name and including his/her e-mail. I DO NOT change the content of the story EVER, but sometimes I do change the font for aesthetical reasons (sounds professional right? Well, you guys know what I mean. I want the stories to look pretty :) ).
- If you do not want your e-mail address seen by others, e-mail me and I'll remove it ASAP or warn me immediately when you send your story.
- Please include the title, your name (the one you want to appear as) and a short summary. If you do not give me a summary I won't make up one of my own (I'm evil! okay semi-evil...) However I will edit the summary when needed.
- Series must be no longer than THREE parts.
- I'll notify you by e-mail if the story has been accepted (which is the most probable thing).
Created:June 12, 2000
Last Update: March 27, 2002
Site Maintained by Squeaky