Hi, I am nurul, and i welcome you
all to my home page!
Hope you'll enjoy your visit here

~ before we continue, it's nice if I could tell
you a little bit about myself ~
Down here you'll find some information about my self and perhaps some other additional things about everything in my beautiful and amazing surrounding...

I was born on 19th. of June, 1971, in a village called Banggol Kulim, in Rantau Panjang, a medium size district in Kelantan, an enchanting state in the east coast of Malaysia. I come from a very big family that consists of 6 brothers and 5 sisters. I am the 10th and the youngest brother :) As a spoilt brat I know that I have not been that free to make my own decision in my life. But I am now trying my best to claim my full freedom in anything that I want to do in the future adventure. I am an orphan - if you still consider a guy at my age as an orphan :) - and living without our loving parents is not easy! I still remember when I first lost my father, back in 1987 - everything seemed to be very difficult to me. I thought that I was living in a very long dream, for months after his death. That experience was truly my very 'first time encounter' with a reality that actually bit! Five years after his decease, for eternity, my beloved mother subsequently followed him to Heaven. I know now that God is always looking after them because they had been very good and wonderful to us all when they were still alive. They gave us love, attentions, spirits, good teachings and courage, apart from all those basic needs. We are more than proud to be their children :) 
"Moga roh mereka dicucuri rahmatNya selalu. Amin."

Here are the stats

dark brown
favorite no.
odd no. like 7,9,11...19 :)
favorite color
black, red

I love smiling & laughing because I always believe that they will definitely make you look much younger than you actually are...hehehe! More than that, there's nothing wrong with the sweet smile & cheerful laughter if they are nicely given & beautifully done at the right time and with the right person :) For me, an honest smile is much more precious & valuable than the pennies you give to a beggar... Besides it will surely & miraculously soothe you when you look at those smiling people around you. I used to subscribe a humor magazine called Gila-Gila because they say that laughter is the best medicine...Hmmm I think I honestly believe in that too.
I don't like those people who always tell lies. For me, they are not more than a bunch of liars who want to prove that they are as good as other people, but they are actually worse than a maggot!
Click on this heart to know what love is

Jaga Diri & Senyum Selalu
(Take care & smile always)

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