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"Things I felt two years ago are different today.
I don't stay in the same place emotionally,
and my music reflects that.
It's nothing conscious-just a manifestation of
my journey through life."

"Power is a great aphrodisiac, and I'm a very powerful person."

"I know what it's like to be incredibly famous.
I know what it's like to be on top,
and there are great things about it,
and there are horrible things about it.
And I know I can never be in that place
and that time again in my life.
My fame will take a different shape,
a different form, and it will be what it will be."

"Because I've taken my clothes off in public doesn't mean
that I've revealed every inch of my soul."

"When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink.
When I feel like saying something, I say it."

"It's a great feeling to be powerful.
I've been striving for it all my life.
I think that's just the quest of every human being~Power."

"I don't think you can ever love enough."

"All I hope is that I will be happy in my personal life
with my friends, my family and the person I'm in love with.
That's the most important thing."

"I remember liking my body and not being ashamed of it.
I remember liking boys and not feeling inhibited.
I never played little games.
If I liked a boy, I'd confront him.
I've always been that way.
Maybe it comes from having older brothers and
sharing the bathroom with them or whatever."

"If you're going to reveal yourself, reveal yourself."

"I think for the most part men have always been in control.
So I think sex is equated with power in a way, and that's scary in a way.
It's scary for men that women would have that power,
and I think it's scary for women to have that power
or to have that power and be sexy at the same time."

"Everyone probably thinks that I'm a raving nymphomaniac,
that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is, I'd rather read a book."

"Children always understand. They have open minds.
They have built-in shit detectors."

Months after her single "I'll Remember" went to No.1
in America, her father called her up. He couldn't remember the title of the song,
but he'd seen the video on TV, and wanted to tell her she looked nice in it.
"Dad, it's been out for six months now," Mad said,
"you just saw it for the first time?"
"Oh well, we don't watch much TV," he replied.

"I became an overachiever to get approval from the world."

"I love children. I eat too much candy.
I have a dog. I love basketball.
I have really good hearing.
So don't try to whisper about me in the other room."

Quote: How could I have been anything else but what I am, having been named Madonna. I would either have ended up a nun or this. --Madonna