1) When your parents own a convenience store.
2) When your parents own a motel.
3) When your mom makes a Mexican meal and tells you to count the number of Taco Bell packets in her purse.
4) When they peel the stamps off letters that the postal service missed to mark up.
5) When they buy 2-ply toilet paper and they tell you to use only 1 ply at a time to make it last.
6) When your mom comes home with napkins stuffed in her purse of the restaraunt she last ate at.
7) When you become part of that viscious clan who recycles wedding gifts.
8) Take Indian snacks anywhere it says "No food allowed."
9) Make indian food on the beach wearing saris.
10) Wear shorts with dress socks and tennis shoes.
11) Try to use coupons that expired 5 months ago and argue when the store doesn't accept them.
12) Tear off the expiration dates of expired coupons and then argue that it accidently happened and that they are still valid.
13) Eat half of a pizza at a restaurant and then complain that it wasn't made right (I want refund!)
14) The famous: "hamburger, no meat; water, no ice; 3 cups; and 18 ketchups please."
15) Talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house.
16) Then inviting them back in to sit and drink more tea, and then going through the same routine all over again.
17) Loading up the family car with as many indians as possible when it's a "pay per car" entrance fee.
18) Renting movies and splitting the cost with 2 other families and having the last family return it.
19) Taking 30-45 minutes deciding which indian movie to watch when it only costs 25 cents!...then asking for a refund when it sucks.
20) When you see a bath pail in a stand-up shower or tub.
21) When everyone gets the same Christmas present...a "buy one get one free" special.
22) When people show up late to a function...just in time for the food!(Indian Standard Time).
23) Plastic covers anything new in your parents' house whether it is the remote control to the VCR or the new livingroom couch.
24) Your parents only go straight when driving with both hands on the steering wheel and they notice nothing but the road in front of them.
25) They have one of these three cars, an Olds Cutlass Ciera, a Honda Accord or a Toyota Camry. (the rich ones drive a Lexus or a Mercedes.)
26) When family friends come over, you have ten conversations going on in the same room at the same time very loudly.
27) You eat dinner on the floor covered with newspapers when company comes over. (so that we don't ruin the carpet...)
28) Your parents tell you to not care what your friends think but they won't let you do certain things because of what the other "Uncles and Aunties" will think.
29) You've never owned white clothing because it will be hard to take stains out of it. (That's what mom says.)
30) You have a collection of used wrapping paper and bows that have been saved for re-use.
31) Your bio-data and picture have been circulated more than on your resume.
32) Your parents won't let you attend college outside of your hometown because you might actually date members of the opposite sex!
33) (For females) You're parents would freak out if you wore a crop top baring your midriff but wearing a sari is perfectly acceptable
34) (For females) Your brother had no curfew while you had to be home at 11pm 35) You are ALWAYS taking off and putting on your shoes wherever you go 36) When you were little you always wondered why your American friends waited until after breakfast to brush their teeth when you did it first thing in the morning 37) Tongue scrapers are not a new fad to you 38) To your American friends, oil is used purely for cooking and not as a grooming aid 39) Wearing deodarant is optional 40) When your American friends cringe at the thought of their parents in bed, you wonder how odd it would be to see your parents get within one foot of each other 41) Your parents have nicknames but only because people they work with just stop when trying to read their names 42) Your parents hate the British 43) You have annoying nicknames like Chotu 44) Your parents call all your friends "Baytay" whether they are Indian or not 45) People you call "uncle" always smell up the bathroom at parties 46) If you aren't married and you turn 25, your parents start wringing their hands and proclaim that it's too late 47) You have never met half of your extended family 48) Either you really like Indians of the opposite sex or you can't stand them 49) Your mother measures wealth in gold and diamonds 50) A horoscope must decide your wedding date 51) Your parents drink 6 cups of tea a day 52) Your parents had eight daughters in hopes of having a son 53) You are sick and tired of answering questions about "the dot" 54) Your friends could not explain your religion to someone if they tried 55) You could not explain your religion to someone if you tried 56) You sound like "Apu" on the Simpsons. 57) You own a 7/11 or a motel with a name like "Roadside Inn." 58) One or both of your parents skipped at least one year of elementary school. 59) In the smallest of subcompact cars, you still can't see over the wheel without a phone book. WITH the phone book, you can't reach the pedals. 60) You have cousins you have never met, whose names you don't know, but who insist they're related to you, even though they bear NO resemblance to anyone YOU know. 61) Your parents push the concept of an arranged marriage on you and try and demonstrate how well it works whenever they're not fighting. 62) They have trouble paying attention to "minor" items like they're kids' social lives, but you know the exact number of the check that you're on in your checkbook. 63) your mother has a short-haired, curly perm 64) your dad is some sort of engineer or doctor 65) your parents still tried to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15 66) you ask you parents help on one math problem and 2 hours later they're still lecturing 67) you have a 40 lb. bag of rice in your pantry 68) everyone thinks you're "Indian" no matter what part of South Asia your ancestors were from 69) you've had a bowl haircut at one point in your life. 70) your parents enjoy comparing you to their friends' kids. 71) you've had to sit through videos with scantily clad, ugly Asian women attempting to dance and walk around a temple, forest or library. 72) your parents say, "Don't forget your heritage." 73) you drive mostly Japanese cars. 74) you've learned to keep bargaining even if the prices are rock bottom. 75) you know what's going to happen in every hindi movie before it happens 76) you've never gotten little red envelopes around February. 77) piles of shoes tend to make it hard to open the front, back and closet doors. 78) you're father and grandfathers have hair on their ears 79) 'idiot people' try to impress you with pathetic imitation Asian languages 80) your ancestors 1000 generations back invented the back scratcher. 81) at least one family member wears black wire/plastic frame glasses 82) your parents hover over your tired, caffeine-drugged body at 12 midnight to say, "In India (or other native country), we studied even more." 83) your parents expect you'll be best friends with any one off the street in any given area as long as they are Asian. 84) an Asian woman comes on campus and people ask: "Is that your mother? Well then, is it your sister?" 85) your relatives' houses smell like incense, mothballs or both 86) your parents say, "Calculus? I took calculus in 8th grade!!" 87) everyone thinks you're good at math. 88) you like $1.75 movies 89) you like $1.50 movies even more. 90) your aunts and uncles bring you back adorable clothing From Asia with fuzzy bunnies, vinyl ducks and English words that make nosense, in great colors like yellow, pink, magenta, orange and the ever popular lime green. 91) your parents insist you marry within your race. 92) you either really, really want to go to NYU or really, really want to stay away from it 93) your parents have never kissed you 94) you learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents 95) "You want a stereo!" When I was your age, I didn't even have shoes!!" 96) you have to call just about all your parent's friends "Auntie and Uncle." 97) you have 12+ aunts and uncles from both your mother's and your father's side 98) at expensive restaurants, you order a delicious glass of water for your beverage and NEVER order dessert. 99) your parents simply cut the green/black part off the bread and say "Eat it anyway. It's still good." 100) the vast majority of the people related to you wear glasses. Thick glasses. 101) you will most likely be taller than your parents. 102) your parents have either made you play the piano, the violin or both. 103) you get nothing if you do well in school, but crapped on if you don't 104) when going to other peoples' houses, you always have to bring a gift. 105) your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees, you know, the ones with the blue and pink stripes at the top. 106) your family owns a tennis racquet. 107) your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV (i.e. Michael Chang) 108) the furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet,the decorations or any of the rest of the furniture. 109) you have rocks, sticks, leaves and strange-smelling, unknown substances in your pantry for use as medicine. 110) you own a rice cooker or two 111) you buy corn oil by the gallon. 112) your family owns butcher knives bigger than your head. 113) your parents tell you about how long it took for them to get to school, how horrible the weather was in their native country, and how much they still appreciated going. 114) your parents buy you clothes and shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come." 115) Say open or close the light 116) Say toilet instead of restroom 117) Say chok-o-late 118) Say Hullo instead of Hello 119) Say Vot for What 120) Peel a chickoo before eating it 121) Everthing you eat is sauteed in garlic, onion and tomatoes 122) Try and reuse gift wrappers, gift boxes, and of course aluminum foil. 123) You try to eject food particles from between your teeth by pressing your tongue against them and 125) making a peculiar noise like, tshick, tschick, tschick or pphht 126) Nibble a toothpick like dessert 127) Turn around when some one says pssst 128) Can say hello by simply raising your eyebrow 129) Automatically shorten peoples name even though they are already short. 130) Know some one named either, bobby, inky, pinky, chinky, or tinku. 131) Are standing next to the two largest size suitcases at the airport 132) Arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think it is normal 133) Snap your fingers while dancing in a group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAYS TO TELL A BLACK-WANNABE DESI IN CHAT ROOMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) ThEiR pRoFiLe LoOkS LiKe tHiS.... 2) Every other word they use is "DA BOMB" 3) When you ask where they from, somewhere in there answer is "represtin" 4) They call you "NIGGA" 5) You can't understand, or look up, one word they say 6) You can tell they failed "ebonics" class 7) Somewhere in their profile they have to say "word up" to at least 25 of their "peepz" whatever that means 8) In the India rooms they not only say they're da bomb, but they have to scroll the whole screen with it (just to make sure we all know chat they're "niggas") 9) They ask certain people to press a number repeatedly (ex. All desi hooches press 55555555555555555555555) 10) They don't live in cities, just "sides" and "coasts" 11) Any Indians in New Jersey or Queens, NY 12) In their profile the quote is a line from a rap song 13) Then they "diss" you for actually reading their profile 14) They're searching for something called a "fly chick" or a "fyne thang" 15) Just looking at their profile gives you a headache 16) For some reason they're proud to call themselves dogs 17) Their screen name contains one of the following: a bunch of x's, DJ, NY, FLY, QT, JATT, DAWG, anything with a "z" at the end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAMOUS INDIAN ADDENDUM TO THE ABC'S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A America B Based (i like to use BORN instead, here) C Confused D Desi E Escaped F From G Gujarat; H Housed I In J Jersey; K Keeping L Lotsa' M Motels N Named O Omkarnath P Patel; Q Quickly R Reached S Success T Through U Underhanded V Vicious W Ways; X Xenophobic Y Yet Z Zealous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOP TEN LINES USED AT A BHANGRA CLUB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10) I have 10 more silk shirts like this one. 9) Are you attached or unattached? 8) I know a great place where they serve "cholay" by candlelight. 7) You look as sweet as a "jalabee". 6) If I were a raja, I'd make you my rani. 5) How would you like to be my "galabjamun"? 4) How're you doing my little laddoo? 3) Say, aren't you box 205, fair,slim, attractive and university educated? 2) "Oh kiddan, babe?" (How's it going babe?) 1) "Tera pind kerha?" (Which village are you from?)


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