Hi, and welcome to the Slayer Supersite. This site is dedicated to the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, that airs on the WB every Tuesday night. If you would like to help out at the site, please email me. Thanks.


5- 27- 99 New Guestbook
I just put a guestbook on the page. I hope you like. I hope you sign. I hope it gets filled up quick!! Hehe.
5- 26- 99 Updates
Just wanted to let you guys know that this site is not totally finished yet. I still have yet to make the demons, library, and spoilers pages. Until then, there is not much to see here. However, if you have any comments about this front page of the site, please feel free to email me at any time. Thanks, and I'll let you know where everything is up.
5- 25- 99 Graduation Part Two Pulled!

I can't believe it! The 2nd part of the season finale was pulled! So far, they have pulled 2 episodes because of the real-life violence in America. Those two episodes have been Graduation Day 2 and Earshot.

5- 24- 99 Join the resistance against censorship!
There is a petition going on against the unfair censorship we are experiencing as Buffy fans! Sign the petition, and go to the official Stand up for Buffy website.
5- 23- 99 Redone
This whole main site was totally redone. Hope you like it better than the old one!
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