As long as there have been Slayer's, there has been the Watcher's Council. A Watcher must be trained in martial arts as well as translating ancient prophecies. The Watcher must find and train the Slayer. In this generation, there have been several Watcher's assigned to Buffy and/or Faith.
Rupert Giles 

Rupert Giles is the most-likeable Watcher you will see on the show. He is Sunnydale High School's Librarian. The Library in the center of the socalled Slayer Headquarters. He is kind, caring, intelligent, and thoughtful towards Buffy and her friends. He has been Buffy's Watcher second Watcher; her first one died shortly after he found and started training her. However, "Giles," as Xander, Willow, Buffy, and Angel call him, is like the father Buffy never had. You see, Buffy's parents are divorced. Anyway, Giles comes through whenever you need him, and he always tries to help Buffy and her friends in any way possible. However, he was "relieved of his duties" by the Watcher's Council. This happened because he had to inject a muscle relaxant into Buffy unnoticed so she could take one of the tests performed by the Council where she would be locked up in a house with a powerful vampire and would have to slay him without her superior abilities but with originality and cunning. He saw what effects losing her powers had on Buffy and had to tell her what he did because he was feeling so guilty. But, he is still a main character on the show and he helps out in every way.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Wesley is the Watcher the the Council sent in place of Rupert Giles. From the start, we can see that Welsey is somewhat stuffy and "British," as was Giles when we first saw him. However, it is easy to feel some sympathy for him because of his disposition. He wants to know where Buffy is 24/7, but Buffy just blows it off. Buffy is obviously still attached to Giles as her Watcher and will be for a long while. However, Wesley, Giles, and the Gang always work together on the latest prophecy or vampire problem, and solve it with their collective minds. Cordelia, Xander's ex-girlfriend, flirts with Wesley on just about every episode, and Wesley is almost always speechless. On the whole, Wesley really isn't that bad, and I feel that we will be seeing a lot more of him.

Gwendolyn Post

The worst Watcher of them all. She always insulted Buffy, Faith, and Giles. On several occasions, she also insulted Buffy's friends. The first sentences she every spoke to Buffy or Faith were insults. Not good. Anyway, she was not a real Watcher. She was kicked out for too much dwindling in the Black Arts. She just lied to Buffy, Giles, etc. about being Faith's new Watcher. What she was really after was the Glove of Myhnegon, a very powerful ancient artifact the enabled the holder of it to attach it to their arm and possess otherwordly powers. She turned Faith against Angel and Buffy and Faith against eachother until they realized that Mrs. Post had fooled them. Post put the glove on and started shooting energy bolts and Buffy and Faith. Faith drew the fire away while Buffy sliced off Gwendolyn's gloved arm with a broken piece of glass, and for some reason this killed Gwendolyn. That was the end of that.


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