You thought you knew it all, didn't you?
In my search for the best, I came across some little known 'N Sync information, and I decided to give it a home. If you've heard these before, I don't care. I haven't, and that's all that matters.


-They recorded some of their demos at Shaq's house
-JC and Joey went to the same high school in Orlando, Dr. Philipps High School


-plays the guitar
-was president of Student Council and the Beta Club in middle school
-had a tonsillectomy (tonsils were removed) in 1997 because of a blood clot in his throat
-Justin's granfather is a Baptist minister


-failed Algebra and Algebra 2 in high school
-he was once removed from a South African hotel for skating down the hall
-one past job included shoveling sheep dung on a farm in Ohio


-he plays the drums
-used to have an eyebrow ring, but TransCon *shudder* made him remove it
-his family left Brooklyn because his neighborhood was getting too rough


-he was in Attache, which was a show choir back in Clinton (visit my
Attache section!)
-Lance sleepwalks
-he collects antique knives and guns (mental note: if I ever meet 'N Sync, be
very nice to Lance)


-he can play both the guitar and the piano
-his last name is pronounced Sha-zay
-when he was little, his house caught fire, and destroyed most of his baby pictures, which is why you hardly ever see pics of little JC

That's all I can think of for now. If you know of any other rarely heard 'N Sync info,
E-mail it to me!