Well Read Women
(my favorites)

In Association with Amazon.com Books(click on book title for more information or to purchase from Amazon.com)
cover - Patience and SarahPatience & Sarah   by Isabel Miller

An affecting novel of two young womenwho fell in love in 19th Century New England.

coverDoes Your Mama Know? -   Edited by Lisa C. Moore

An Anthology of African-American Coming Out Stories.

coverGood Enough to Eat by Lesléa Newman coverLove, Ellen by Betty DeGeneres
coverMy Lover is a Woman edited by Lesléa Newman The Black and White of It - Ann Allen Shockley (unfortunately out-of-print) [Used copies may be available at Amazon.com]

Short stories on the lives of lesbians, black and white.

coverAfrekete: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Writing - Edited by Catherine E. McKinley & Joyce DeLaney coverMovement in Black - Pat Parker

coverAny Dykes to Watch Out For book - Alison Bechdel


  • My Lover is a Woman by Pat Parker (Book List)

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