Theresa and her trusty sidekick Teddy *Me* Stuff

Name: Theresa
Age: 22

Role Models: Harpo Marx, Groucho Marx, Tim Burton, Buster Keaton, and Tonia.

Likes: black and white; rainbow hippie stuff; funk; silent film; gothic stuff; Halloween; Christmas; animation; gadgets

Dislikes: superficiality; floral patterns; mongers of bad taste and unwholesomeness; waiting rooms; filing; hot pink; chimp movies

Supposed Lookalikes: Johnny Depp, Janet Jackson (::chortle::), "that chick on Real World?", Tonia

Also Known As: Columbine, Jady, Stony, SkyBlue, Miss Oborn (if you're nasty)

Once Wished I Had: a "Time Teaser" like in that episode of Ducktales

"Creative mess is better than idle neatness"

Quote: "Zebedee!"

This is me singing the "Weird Al Show" theme (1106 k)

Mi Familia

  • Live Journal

    (This is getting suspiciously like a teenybopper self-absorbed aren't-I-special page. Let's Go Back.

    Theresa's Signs of a Blooming Supervillain:

  • Prone to spouting cliche Supervillain lines i.e. "find my other sock and I may let you live" (7 points)
  • Having an accent (3 points)
  • VENGEFUL (5 points)
  • scars (5 points)
  • Seeking revenge on the person who GAVE you that scar (10 points)
  • equipped with fluffy kitty cat (4 points)
  • overconfident / underestimating (8 points)
  • eccentric wardrobe (2 points, you could be a superhero)
  • find Hell more appealing than Heaven (3 points, not a priority)
  • silent, scheming type (9 points)
  • Accused of looking/being evil (oh so it MUST be true. 1 point)