Theresa's Buster Keaton Shrine

Click on Buster DeMilo to see when this antique was last updated

Marrings - improving on perfection
Buster-Inspired Artwork
- marrings of another kind
The Sound of Buster Keaton
- Wavs!
Kiss Bus
- It's ALIVE! Kowtow to Violet, she made the java behave!
Quotes BY Buster
Quotes ON Buster
- Things that remind me of Buster, my Have List, and other such randomness.
Buster Blurbs
- silly, weird, relevant outbursts too trivial to put elsewhere.
Other Busters in Entertainment
- a list made in a fit of boredom
Buster Keaton Takes a Walk
- a surrealistic farce by Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca

Theories, Stories, Alibis etc. Contributions welcome!
Buster meets Nick Cave, by Violet
- A mere paragraph, but worth looking at!
"Barroom Brawl," by Syd
- A confrontation between Louis B. Mayer, Chaplin, and Keaton, in comic strip form.
Staring Contest,
also by Violet

Favorite Links

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