Latest Rosina Ferrara Paintings
Here are several painging of muse Rosina Ferrara that were never before seen to the public until after 2003, when Adelson Galleries in New York held an exhibit Called "Sargent's Women."  There's a book of the same name.  Since then, she has generated plenty of interest and paintings by different 19th-century artists.  Here are a couple of them below:
Here's the latest painting found at JSS Gallery of Rosina Ferrara.  It was painted in Capri around 1878.  Thanks Natasha for that great find.  She is very beautiful as her comtempories described her then. In my opinion, her picture capture the true Capri beauty without being stereotypical nor flattered like some artist of the late 19th century would have her portrayed.  John S. Sargent portrayed her with all the understanding and nuance that came with the territory.