The following stories are just ideas that I've had for possible plot lines for The X-Files. If you like them or possibly for some strange reason lean the other way, email me with comments

Setting and notes will be written in this color. Dialouge will be written in this color. Characters will be written in this color.


These people are all in a chat room entitled Extra Terrestrial they are discussing the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects. They joke around using the dialouge provided below:

SciFiGuy says: So ALKOR your saying you actually saw one?

ALKOR says: Yeah and it was like the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It was these little green guys, and I just got so freaked out that I ran in the house.

born2believe says: Your kidding me, green guys, where have a heard that? Oh yeah just about almost every alien movie ever made. Don't get me wrong AL I believe, but that's just not the way it is at all.


SciFiGuy says: This oughtta be good.

born2believe says: Well it happend about 2 years ago, my dog came in carrying

born2believe tries to type.....nothing seems to be working. She looks up to her right and screams. She pans back to her computer and the monitor explodes forcing her back. She dies instantly.

The scence cuts to SciFiGuy's house. He stares at the computer wondering what is going on. Then somthing draws his attention to the upper right corner of the room. He gets this estranged look on his face, then his eyes go back to the computer. The monitor explodes killing him instantly.

ALKOR is wondering why nothing is happening, he decides to take a break while waiting for his friends' responses. He enters his kitchen not paying any attention to the upper right corner of the room. After fixing himself a snack, on his way back the computer monitor explodes. He is very distrought but physically unharmed.

The scene cuts to opening X-File credits.

#'s 2-? coming soon!