
Welcome to my webpage.

Bad news folks. www.homepage.com crashed, so the old cinumerique site is gone. You can now reach it bye clicking Cinumerique

What a profound statement, if you look at it the right way. Anyway, this is my webpage. A repository of stream-of-conciousness thought (with punctuation of course). I really didn’t know what I’d do with my "webspace" until about 3am. Most of my good ideas come at 3am. In this space, I will place random babblings of mine and everything else which I have committed to the digital equivalent of "paper" I guess you could say, everything I’ve committed to "hard drive." Have you ever seen the ads for that company Qualcomm? They make cell phones and other space-age (haven’t we passed the space age?) electronics. But their ads are just encouragements to let your mind wander. I did. This is what it brought back.

Why do this? I don’t, know, but I do! How’s that for a one-eighty in the length of a sentence!

Contradictory sentences...what a concept!

Basically, somewhere between the infinitesimal boundaries of my imagination and my human need to organize things, I decided that I’d organize the chaos of my thoughts, chronologically that is. Well, that is to say, that everytime I sit down at my computer after Comedy Central’s stopped broadcasting, and typed some god-awfully long thing into Word and posted it on the internet, then it’ll be shared with you, in all it’s full-length, digitally re-mastered Technicolor glory.

What do you use it for?

What is this? An F.A.Q. so commonly found on other websites? Okay, here’s the deal:

What I’ve provided here are my musings, my ideas, a glimpse into how my mind, soul, and 8-hour old pizza react to one another. If something here inspires you to greatness, then good for you. If something here makes you recosidder something in your life, good for you (I don’t think I’m that profound, this is just the second part of a three-part dramatic rise to climax, because three is a good number. Now for number 3) But more importantly, if my sense of humor makes you laugh, then good for me. You see, that’s what I am. Deep down inside, past my corotted artery and the cochles of my heart, there’s a desire to entertain. That’s what I like to do. So hopefully, something here will strike a chord with you, and squeeze a laugh out. Then you’ll be happy, I’ll be happy, and the world will generally be a better place. And if it don’t then fuck it.