Hi There! You've either taken a wrong turn or you've stumbled across this site from one of my other web sites. In any case, welcome! This site originally came about a few years ago after a rumor got out at work that I could create web pages (even though I didn't have a clue at the time.) So after a few sleepless nights; here we are, still tinkering and amazingly, this site still works! Fortunately this is only a very occasional hobby for me as this stuff can get to you after awhile! Besides, life is too short to spend it in front of a computer! Come to think of it, I only update this page when I am given some web-related assignment at work and need to relearn everything. It's only one of about 15 hats I wear as far as my job description is concerned so I am never bored! After-hours I pursue a very diverse range of hobbies, some of which may interest you so feel free to have a look!
UPDATE: 1/12/06
If you're looking for the "Sports" related pages and links; sorry, I had to take them down for now.