- 09/30/00 05:32:13
sr - 03/19/00 00:49:36
My Email:4356440
Favorite Disney Movie: best of roger rabbit
Robyn - 03/15/99 03:40:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/bunds/disneythemes.htm
My Email:bunds@gte.net
Favorite Disney Movie: Snow White
Very nice web page. Come visit my site.
Gary L. Robinson - 03/03/99 12:34:31
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/grobinson
My Email:grobin@iname.com
Heath .... I somehow managed to kill off my Mail Address book a few weeks ago. Please send me YOUR and YOUR dad's (work and/or home) e-mail address.
BTW, I agree with your review on "The Jungle book". It is also my favorite of the Disney classics! I never saw the "Mary Poppins", though, and did NOT know that the Sherman brothers were involved in both endeavors.
---Gary L. Robinson
Cynthia - 01/28/99 03:25:10
My URL:/hollywood/agency/1133/disney.html
Favorite Disney Movie: The Little Mermaid
LOVED your site!! I have been searching everywhere and you definitely have some images I've never seen before! I will be using some and will have a link back to your site. If you have the time, please check out my site!
Andy Bestgen - 12/29/98 01:26:14
My Email:andrew@bestype.com
Favorite Disney Movie: Snow White
Hey Heath!,
Nice Job. 1000 times better than what I could do!
Gary L. Robinson - 12/24/98 07:47:17
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/grobinson/
My Email:grobin@iname.com
Favorite Disney Movie: The Ghost Of Romney Marsh
Cool card Heath! I just looked at it (2:45 a.m.) and will show it to your Aunt Figs when she gets up in the morning. Merry Christmas to you all and be seeing you very soon!