Welcome to the Webpage Graphics section! In times of boredom I sit around and make graphics for my page. I know there's a lot of people out there who don't have Image programs to make their own buttons, links, banners, page headers, etc. So I figured hey, why not *I* do it? I have no life, I can use that time. However I don't have time to take requests so it's about what you see is what you get..and whatever I make you'll have to make do with or just don't use it at all, sorry! Anyway, they're all in JPEG format because my Image program is too cheap to support or make GIFs. I am getting Adobe Photoshop soon though, so I can probably make much nicer ones later.
"Link To Me" Buttons and Banners
Blank Sailormoon Link Button, add text as Desired! Another One! ..Yes, another Blank Usagi Banner
Page Headers
Characters Images Movies Sounds
Navigation Buttons
Jupiter- Links Mars- Sounds Mercury- Movies Venus- Images Moon- Etc./Other
Chibi Usagi Holding a Rose, "Welcome to My Sailormoon Homepage"