Want to view some pics? Take your pick...


My dad
doing what he does best: sleeping. (Check this one out...it's a hoot!)

My dad
- All decked out in Baylor spirit!

My mom
looking as beautiful as ever!

My dog
with her Pooh bear.

Mimi and Papa
wearing their easter hats. Check out the hat my grandma made my grandpa wear in the picture!

My Grandma Dorothy
- Doesn't she look like a movie star? Ooh-la-la!

Pooh, Wicket, Hooter, and Pooh
- These animals are quite special to me. The Pooh on the left (and yes that is a real Pooh) has been with me since I was 1 year old.

My cousin Michelle, Me, and my Mom
in Breckenridge, CO. I absolutely loved the mountain view from this restaurant balcony in this picture.

Me and my grandparents
on Easter several years ago.


Tim and Elizabeth
(before they were married)
(Elizabeth and I were roommates too.)

Tim and Elizabeth
(after they were married)

Liz, Tirzah, and Amy
(3 mighty women of God and my college roommates who the Lord blessed me)

Amy, Me, Jenny
(2 of my Baylor roommates...I love them so much!) You'll never catch Jenny without her overalls on...if so, then sound the alarms!

Martha and Me
(Martha is my sorority Little Sis. She is also a wonderful friend who I will always treasure.)

Me, Elizabeth, and Jenny
(Two of my Baylor roommates)

Baylor friends
: We're at Baylor's first ever on-campus dance (April 18, 1996). It was called the "Miracle on Fifth Street" (since the campus is located on Fifth St. and it was a miracle that the Baptist would allow dancing on campus).


My favorite baby pic

Me and Mickey D.
(a.k.a. Ronald McDonald)

Me and the F.A.O. Schwarz bear

My ankle tattoo