Hello and welcome to my site known as The All-Mighty World Of TekkenBall!!!! You can call me TekkenBall (or Tek for short). And yes, I am a female. This is a personal website I've created for myself and the things that I like. What do I like? Well, this site is mostly about video games, Japanese anime, and the characters I like in them. I also like to draw so of course I've drawn many of the VG/anime characters that I like. ^_^
And please know that I like to explain/type things a lot so be prepared to do quite a bit of reading when you're looking through my site. ^_^;;;;;;
Here are some things to consider before you look through my site.
If you have AOL IM, you can send me an IM if you want to but please, be polite. I don't tolerate being yelled at, called names, or any other verbal abuse at any time during the conversation. I'm usually a friendly and considerate person to talk to but if you are rude to me, I will not be such a nice person to talk to then. Don't IM me at all if you're gonna be rude. Also, don't use the IM as a dating service either.
Everything I've said about AOL IM also applies to E-mails. Just know that I usually delete E-mails from addresses I don't know.
This next one is about the artwork you will see throughout my site which includes my fan arts, my top page banners, and even the button graphics you see on this page. You can download them for personal viewing but if you want to use any of them to display/post on your own site or anywhere else like at forums and such, please E-mail me and ask for permission first. I don't take too kindly to people who steal artwork or try to claim other artwork as their own so please ask first before you use anything from this site. Every page that has my artwork on it will have a reminder near the top about asking before posting them elsewhere or if I don't want them to be used at all. And even if you do post up my artwork without permission, my site URL will be on each and every pic from now on so where the pic originally came from will always be known (if you alter my pics by removing my name and URL from them, I will roll you over and flatten you like a steamroller for that so don't you dare alter or manipulate my pics if you're gonna post them up). So if you wanna use any of the artwork from this site, please ask first. Then once you're given the okay, please give proper credit (usually to me, TekkenBall) and provide a link back to this site. Please only link to the main page here, don't link to any other pages or pics. You can link to my site using any of the 2 URLs below here.
And if you'd like to link to my site with a banner, here are 2 animated banners I made. One is green and one is purple. The reason for that is 'cuz green and purple is the color combo scheme of my site. Why green and purple? Because that's my color combo. ^_^
Now, I must give a super juicy big thanks to my best friend in the world, The Young 'Un. She was the one who first created this website back in April 1999. Once The Young 'Un showed me the basics of creating a website, I finally "learned" myself how to make web pages during August 1999. So now I'm taking care of this whole site as of September 11, 1999. Thank you Young 'Un for making my dream of having my very own website come true. You really are the bestest friend in the whole world! ^________^
Also, the really nice fancy button graphics with the sparkles on the words used as links you see below were created by The Young 'Un. I made the plain ones with boring words and stiff 3D effects so you should be able to tell which buttons were made by who. ^_~
you wanna know what's new here at this here site, then please click on this
link. |
you wanna see what my mom and I look like? Then click on this link to see what we
look like. |
it or not, flies are my favorite kind of insect so I decided to make a tiny
little page about them. Come in if you want to find out how cute a fly really
is. |
My favorite video game and Japanese anime characters will be
listed here. |
All artwork I've drawn and made will be in here including fan arts, gift
arts, and other pics. |
where I will put characters that I have adopted from other sites. |
This link will celebrate our beloved Flip Flop Friday. Note that
this page is how my site looked back in April 1999. I refuse to touch this
page 'cuz The Young 'Un uploaded it on a Friday. |
This website up since April 23, 1999.
The hit counter below shows the number of visits this page has received since May 6, 1999.
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Please know that this is a fan site. All video games and Japanese anime (and their characters) are the property of their respective owners. Please don't sue me.
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