From time to time members of the Spice Girls have been photographed topless by the paparazzi. They have some what of a sex appeal and one would figure that it'd be cool to see some topless photos. Quite contrary. No longer a Spice Girl, Geri was the only one I could look at a photo of and have no sort of dangerous medical reaction. There are some prudes out there who think a naked body is just horrible and in this case it is.

Even with that pastey white body of hers I was kind of interested in seeing the topless photos of her when I heard about them. I was sorely disappointed. Being pale, saggy, and out of shape they seem to be only fitting of David Beckham. By the way, the dots censoring out her nipples are only covering her nipples. Reminds me of those naked tribal women you see in National Geographic.

Mel G
I was not looking forward to these. I would not care to see a full nude photo of Mel, because even with a bottom on she looks like a dead bloated body that's been floating in a river for awhile.

I have mixed feelings on Emma. At times she can look somewhat good, but if she's going to be looking like this then why bother with photos. I could just as easily go down to Sea World and watch Shamu swim and be as excited.

Mel c
As you can see there is no photo. That is for the simple reason it might get construed as child pornography. She has the chest of an 8 year old boy and if the photo I had of her was without pants, it would most likely spell disaster

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