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Welcome To R10's Homepage

Hi and welcome,

This is my home on the net. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Updated April 4, 2002
Well, since Mike insisted, I've updated the link to his web page. Seems like he's got a new web page up :). Have a sneak peak and have fun!! :) Mike's NEW Page

Updated Sept 13, 2001
I've taken out some bad links and cleaned up this page a bit. Gonna add more later just not sure when or what. Probably mostly small applets :)

Added May 27, 2001
Ok i've changed my temperature converter to also convert lengths. Km to mi, in to cm...i think that's it. I'll add more stuff later (maybe).

Added May 27, 2001
Geeze has it really been a year since I added anything?? Guess so eh?
I have finally added something new to my web page. I know it's not much and I also know i haven't added much for like a year, but I've been busy 'n lazy. So here it is...some applet stuff. I've got a temp converter thing up and a little mouse/keyboard event hander thing. For some reason, some of you it won't work for...'cuz you've got crappy machines. But for you more privleged people enjoy :). There's also a link to the left to my applet page. I hope to add more soon.