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StarYaten - 05/04/00 03:34:29

Tangy, darlin', just wanted to start off saying that I love your website. It's wonderful... but not as wonderful as you. Sorry, I can't think of anything else to say under these kinds of preasures... I love you... *big hugs and kisses* StarYaten

Michael Doerfler - 04/23/00 05:44:00
My URL:/SouthBeach/Surf/9975
My Email:smaq_@hotmail.com

Well well well well well I can't believe I'm signing in for the 3rd time! I don't even remember the first two times! Wow this latest move in your web page is far the best you have ever done to this date! :-) And I suppose about 1 week later after this current signing in, I'll have to sign in for the 4th time saying that wow your page is even better or something! Ha H Ha :-) Anyway yeah your birthday pictures was the best and I got to see some of your 'interesting and cute' friends... :-) Ha Ha :-) Hmmm what else can I really say? Just pretty much that your page rocks more now than ever before! :-) Keep on going and make it the best that Bill Gates would beg forever to get you to join his company! LOL! That means you got a long way to go if tha do happen! :-) I gotta to stop before this is becoming an e-mail!!! :-) Take care bud! Always love ya! :-) Peace out!

Dennis - 04/23/00 03:02:52

Nice site Stan, much better than your first attempt. You really should be studying though, rather than working on this site...and Star Wars is crap! :)

Snowdrop - 03/05/00 14:28:24
My URL:/lilic30/
My Email:snowdrop19@collegeclub.com

Hi Stan. Wow, I finally get to check your page. You got a cool page. Keep it up ok!!! Hope to chat with you sometimes if you ever got the time, alright. Take care!!

Irish Eyez - 12/27/99 04:49:52
My Email:irish_eyestoo@yahoo.com

Well done!

Trina - 09/10/99 02:37:41

I like your web page. It's cool. The best part of it is your picture! Wow, you're cute! :-)

atomlevelhockeymom - 08/19/99 00:00:55


Michael Doerfler - 07/22/99 06:48:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/9975
My Email:smaq_@hotmail.com

Nice page. Very interesting and simple. :-) Surely right on "get to the point" easily. :-) Keep it up!

Its me - 07/15/99 20:40:29
My URL:http://posting.com
My Email:u-no-me@home.tor

Well, put some more color to your page man. Last but not least, a picture worth a thousand words. So, have some graphic in there. Oh ya, remember 10 pieces of the same picture will load up faster than trying to load it as 1 picture. if you wonder what that meant, let me know. MidjiT Later

Catlady - 07/13/99 06:06:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/quadrant/5234
My Email:rynna0@earthlink.net

Hey i had a great time, so did my coach...you guys are absolutely excellent on starcraft..keep it up guys! (for you readers, we played some kick ass games) ok see you later! Nice site...go see mine! ---kathleen

Herm Thang - 03/30/99 06:15:49
My URL:http://www.volvo.ca
My Email:heman19@hotmail.com

hey stan!! not bad, not bad at all... too much text though... oh well, its a lot better than what I can do!!

Crystal Gurganous - 03/08/99 18:42:42
My Email:ladyspade2000@yahoo.com

Hey nice pic. thanx for the tigger and the *smile* write me back soon

alda lee - 02/19/99 22:18:48
My Email:alee5@julian.uwo.ca

I am stan's good buddy. we hang out all the time. ... cool web page, but mine's better!!!!!!

Me! not Mei! - 02/15/99 22:06:27

Nice page "Stan the Man". When is it going to be the official Star Wars site? One M of M^2

Ophe - 02/15/99 21:30:42
My Email:ophe_me@hotmail.com

hey tigger boy! nice page.... looks like you really just played around with everything... heheh... looks fun actually... aside from the few bugs hanging around, it's pretty cool... can't wait until you start a "real" page... starwars? or something else? ^_^ - ophe

Ca - 02/13/99 15:51:27
My Email:yeungk@ecf.utoronto.ca

don't say your webpage sucks (i'll not say this to midjit though if he EVER gonna set up his webpage). 'cuz even if it sucks, you still have me at the bottom of the pit. i don't know how do make a webpage, neither do i know how to create an applet. kee up the good work!

Vickie - 02/13/99 06:13:57
My Email:u know and im not given it out

that page reminds me of u so much LOL. i really dont get the number thing but i spose ull just have to 'splain it to me sometime. Good job on the page, i know i could never do ne thing like that. Luv, Vickie

Michael Doerfler - 02/13/99 06:12:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/9975
My Email:froggy@wkpowerlink.com

Really good.... Not bad for the first time! :-) Heck you even did a lot better than me at my first attempt long time ago! Congratulations! :-)

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