Underexposed 2002 Application
(print to fill out)

All entries must be postmarked by January 31st, 2002.

Please remember to include your script, the entry fee ($30.00 made
payable to JOMO Productions), and this application (signed and dated).

Send entries to:
The Underexposed
C/o JOMO Productions
PO Box 15545
Boston, MA 02215

(Please print clearly!)

Name __________________________________________________________________

Street Address_________________________________________________________

City_________________ State/Province ____________ Zip/Postal Code______

Country _____________ Email ___________________________________________

Home Phone ________________________ Work Phone ________________________

How did you hear about this competition?

Title of Submitted Screenplay: ________________________________________

Genre: _____________________________

Brief Synopsis (please limit to two sentences):

Optional information:

Is this your first feature-length script? _____________________________
If no, how many have you written? _____________________________________
Education background? _________________________________________________
Have you ever entered The Underexposed? _______________________________

By signing below, I agree to the following:
A. The information supplied above is accurate.
B. The material submitted is my own original work.
C. I agree to hold JOMO Productions harmless from and defend them
against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, judgments,
liabilities, and expenses arising out of or in connections with any and
all claims of third parties.
D. The burden of obtaining copyright or otherwise protecting any
proprietary interests in the material, if I wish to do so, rests
entirely with me.
E. I have read all the rules.
F. I will notify JOMO Productions if I become ineligible prior to the
notification date, June 1st, 2002 (i.e. you sell your screenplay!).

___________________________________________ __________________________
Signature of applicant                      Date