
My name is Alexander Grewenig, and I am a graduate of McKenzie College.  In school, I took an Interactive Multimedia Production course.  Currently I am a Customer Service Representative at Staples: The Business Depot and I am seeking some freelance web-design opportunities.

To say what I aspire to be in my life would be basically telling a lie since at my age, for someone to say they want to do one certain thing for the rest of they're careers, is possibly either crazy or very set in there ways.   I, for one, don't know right now if I want to do this for the rest of my life, but for now I love what I am doing and am glad to be doing it.

As for myself, I have many interest besides Interactive Multimedia.  I like to go bicycling in my spare time, as well as walking.   I find nothing more relaxing then walking through the woods, thinking of life, love, and how I could express my creativity.  I also like to sit down in front of a blank Word Processor or blank piece of paper, to see what I could come up with, as one of my biggest dreams I have always have, was to become a author of speculative fiction, otherwise known as Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction.

I love to read as well as write Science Fiction and Fantasy.  There's nothing better than sitting down with a cold drink and novel by either of my favourite authors, Alan Dean Foster, and Terry Brooks.  Both have made a profound influence on my writing, as I learn the basics of writing from both of these literary veterans.  I also love watching movies, both old and new, from romances to classics, and have quite a substantial collection of movies within my library.   Once again, my passion for movies is brought on by my creative mind, as well as another dream of mine, to be a great director, like a few more of my idols, Steven Speilberg,  George Lucas and James Cameron.  To do even half of what these three men have accomplish would make me a very happy person.

Well, this is me in a nutshell.  In closing, I would like to say that my potential in this field has a long way to go, as I am trying to be as best as I can be, and I am willing to learn from anyone, and go that extra mile to please a person.  I am a workaholic and am always hard at work, trying to learn new skills to aide me in the future or working on various personal projects. Also I would like any feedback you have on either this page's design or any of my portfolio work, so feel free to email me and I'm write back as soon as possible.  Also, more importantly, I am willing to locate anywhere in Central Canada, or the Maritimes.

Some quotes about myself from others:

  • "Alex is very technically sound and an intelligent person who could be a valuable asset to any staff, because of his troubleshooting skills" - Gerald Hamilton

  • Hard working, he gets the job done right the first time.

  • Alex completes task quickly and efficiently, retains information very well, and he is highly intelligent and generous.

Thank You,

Alex Grewenig

 Feel free to contact me at