Ritter Talisman

The History of the Schattenjägers

Ritter Talisman

One of the greatest pieces of the Gabriel Knight series of computer games by Sierra Entertainment was the history that the series used as facets of its stories. Most of the history was real, or at least real history heavily embellished upon by Jane Jensen and crew.

But a good deal of it, particularly that dealing with the line of the Schattenjägers, is completely fictional. This does not make it any less interesting, however, and therefore the line of Schattenjägers is recounted here for your edification and entertainment.

Jamie Fellrath

The information on this page was taken directly from data included in the Sierra On-Line games Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father, and Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within and their respective novelizations.

All the information is property and copyright 1998 Sierra On-Line.

When possible, the data was pulled directly from the sources.  in the cases of several of the ordination dates of Schattenjägers, however, the 18th year of the Schattenjäger's life was used when an actual date was not to be found.

Over time, this page will be expanded to include actual source work from the games, such as journal entries, pictures, stories, family trees, etc.  If there is something you would like to see and you can find evidence of its veracity in the pages/bytes of Gabriel's adventures, please let me know.


Much of this site can be considered spoilers for the various Gabriel Knight computer games. Please keep this in mind if you decide to peruse the site.

  • Added more information on Rudolph von Glower, including his letter to Gabriel Knight and his other aliases.
  • Changed the Ludwig II link from Christian von Ritter's page to a new one with much more information on the Bavarian monarch.
  • This webpage has been relocated to the Geocities webpages after the shutdown of Hotbot user pages.
Jamie Fellrath