These are the awards that I have received so far:

2/27/97King of the Jungle awardKing Of The Jungle Award

3/1/97Award of ExcellenceMUM 'n DAD's Award Of Excellence

3/7/97Critical Mass AwardCritical Mass Award

3/7/97CyberCloud's Surfer SiteCyberCloud's Surfer Site

3/9/97Cool Site AwardCool Site Award

3/17/97enchstar.gif - 10.0KThe Enchanted Star Award

3/18/97Road Kill Cafe's Web Site AwardRoad Kill Cafe's Website Award

3/19/97ChefCool's Great Webpage AwardChefCool gives it 85.7% rating!!!

3/19/97Award WardAward Ward Site

3/26/97FFrendly Site AwardFfriendly Site Award

5/23/98 The Phoenix GatePhoenix Award For Webpage Excellence

I'd like to thank those that have given me these awards, and I hope to receive some more in the near future.

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