Thanks for signing in.. you've joined this merry band of people! :)

Joanne - 12/22/00 05:24:05
My URL:can't remember
I met Colin: I was engaged to you and i am again i think!
I am from: victoria
Today, I am: playing on the computer
Colin's page is: i love it just like i do you.
My favourite food is: you
I am scared of: losing you
When I grow up, I wanna be: the mother of your children

i miss you alot and can't wait to be with you for ever.

Kylie - 09/18/00 12:35:38
My URL:have one but it's crap as!
I met Colin: on mIRC and ICQ
I am from: Victoria, Australia
Today, I am: Absolutely nothing
Colin's page is: It's cool
My favourite food is: umm....chicken snitzel (don't know how to spell it so don't pick on me)
I am scared of: being alone
When I grow up, I wanna be: a Lawyer

I rest my case

Georgi - 08/24/00 13:02:54
I met Colin: i havent...u messaged me with ur website
I am from: aus, melb
Today, I am: jack shit
Colin's page is: yeh ok
My favourite food is: healthy (boring)
I am scared of: cross dressers
When I grow up, I wanna be: a physio

nope i rest my case

allison - 06/06/00 23:01:43
My URL:http://www.geocities/alliecarrie
I met Colin: you signed my guestbook WAY back in the day
I am from: new jeresy
Today, I am: wishing i was back at college
Colin's page is: i like chickens
My favourite food is: lemons with sugar
I am scared of: being alone
When I grow up, I wanna be: a millionaire

hi =) like i said, you signed my guestbook years ago, and i was just looking thru it. perhaps we met on irc one day, but i forget. hope all is well!

Jamie - 05/13/00 15:06:08
I met Colin: internet
I am from: LA.
Today, I am: shopping
Colin's page is: kewl
My favourite food is: crawfish
I am scared of: death
When I grow up, I wanna be: haven't decided


SeXy^Katie - 03/23/00 00:26:45
I met Colin: Wouldnt you all like to know!
I am from: Sydney
Today, I am: Partying!
Colin's page is: It kicks ASS
My favourite food is: hmmm, you dont wanna know
I am scared of: Spiders
When I grow up, I wanna be: Rich Bitch

Hey Babe!! I think this site kicks ass keep up da good work . *muah* luv ya, Katie

Sirena (sexy ass angel) - 02/20/00 08:32:17
I met Colin: on mIRC
I am from: Australia
Today, I am: :P
Colin's page is: pretty killer stuff d00d
My favourite food is: Chupachups and chocolatte
I am scared of: Spiders
When I grow up, I wanna be: a vet

I wanna say UR SITE RULZ MAN! check ya round chum!

tania - 01/30/00 10:54:52
I met Colin: umm.. thru irc lol
I am from: sydney
Today, I am: not alot
Colin's page is: THE DRAGONS ARE KICKASS!!!!!
My favourite food is: bulldogs
I am scared of: that trent barrett will injury his sexy ass! ahah
When I grow up, I wanna be: a DRAGON!

yes.. the dragons to win in 2000!!!!! down with the doggies *grunts*

CRASH - 01/14/00 12:29:53
I am from: amsterdam
Today, I am: pulling my dick
Colin's page is: nice
My favourite food is: spare ribs
I am scared of: that my dick is small
When I grow up, I wanna be: a big dick

i like wet pussy and no dicks. I like pretty women and big nice tits.

i can not disclose that information - 01/07/00 11:14:57
I met Colin: at a train station
I am from: here
Today, I am: tonight you mean
My favourite food is: pass
I am scared of: cant say
When I grow up, I wanna be: an adult

you dont have Hungry Jacks on the webpoll

i can not disclose that information - 01/07/00 11:13:40
I met Colin: at a train station
I am from: here
Today, I am: tonight you mean
My favourite food is: pass
I am scared of: cant say
When I grow up, I wanna be: an adult

you dont have Hungry Jacks on the webpoll

Emma - 01/05/00 09:01:39
My URL:you know :)
My Email:you know that too :)
I met Colin: in IRC
I am from: Maitland
Today, I am: nothing
Colin's page is: wonderful
My favourite food is: i dont eat much
I am scared of: you :) NOT
When I grow up, I wanna be: famous (i wish)

HI my sweet, Just thought i would come back to your page as I'm soooo bored tonight.....the night i have all night to chat you are not on :( Amy is gone for 2 weeks woooohoooo I'll see you next week bye babe xoxox

Mary Lou Lund - 01/02/00 04:05:38
I am from: houghton mi
Today, I am: homework
Colin's page is: its different
My favourite food is: meat "tub stake"
I am scared of: to be alone
When I grow up, I wanna be: hospital Adm.


Mary Lou Lund - 01/02/00 04:04:42
I am from: houghton mi
Today, I am: homework
Colin's page is: its different
My favourite food is: meat "tub stake"
I am scared of: to be alone
When I grow up, I wanna be: hospit;al


Katie - 12/30/99 06:40:50
My URL:/storybug16/storysDomain.html?945428278430
I met Colin: ICQ
I am from: Utah, USA
Today, I am: Not much...
Colin's page is: Pretty bland background...
My favourite food is: Arby's Regular Roast Beef, Curly Fries and a strawberry shake! tee hee hee :)
I am scared of: One day, I might meet the girl of my dreams, and my fly will be down.... doot doo doo...
When I grow up, I wanna be: An author!! :D


Amy - 12/24/99 09:11:51
My Email:ASK ME
I met Colin: i am a stalker
I am from: Oz
Today, I am: cybering
Colin's page is: woah
My favourite food is: do u realy wanna know??
I am scared of: you
When I grow up, I wanna be: a hooker

do u know who i am yet?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA if you dont OK well i spose ill tell you now. It is Amy (Emmas sister, you know the one who loves you) well yeah BYE :P~~~~~~~~~~

Emma - 12/23/99 09:22:59
My URL:ask me for it :)
My Email:you know it :)
I met Colin: mIRC
I am from: Maitland
Today, I am: nothing
Colin's page is: great
My favourite food is: don't know
I am scared of: hmmm
When I grow up, I wanna be: me

HI there....Guess who??? see ya xxxx

Laura - 11/29/99 23:20:21
I met Colin: irc
I am from: somewhere over the rainbow
Today, I am: being scared by a little mouse and falling asleep
Colin's page is: groovy baby!!!!
My favourite food is: plain cheese pizza, NOTHING with meat :P
I am scared of: eating beef *shudder*
When I grow up, I wanna be: a grown up :)

Do I rest my case? haha ummm great page col, i was bored tonight so i looked up some of the icq people pages and there was yours never knew ya had one. anyways keep up the good work.

Amy - 11/09/99 20:09:32
I met Colin: on the net after seeing some deeelightful piccies *laughs*
I am from: Alice Springs *sighs*
Today, I am: about to go to sleep *grins*
Colin's page is: ummmmm update it wont ya????
My favourite food is: Nachos mmmmmm
I am scared of: unprotected sex *shudder*
When I grow up, I wanna be: famous *giggles*

collie you sexual thing.........update you page tis ooooooooooooold *giggles* love ya!!!!

Creeping Death - 07/14/99 10:23:23
I met Colin: IRC
I am from: Alaska
Today, I am: Packing
Colin's page is: Its cool!
My favourite food is: BBQ
I am scared of: Im afraid of females, well, besides my self
When I grow up, I wanna be: famious

Hey dude, GREAT page... ill keep checking back and marking my teritory in your guestbook.. :oÞ Keep up thy good work! -Liz

Linda - 06/16/99 04:52:22
I met Colin: you know how
I am from: Tucson, AZ
Today, I am: looking at your page and chatting
Colin's page is: Liked it
My favourite food is: godiva chocolate and brocoli cheese soup
I am scared of: I fear nothing bahahahaha
When I grow up, I wanna be: rich, beautiful and have men bow down to me

I like the site Colin. It is really neat. Love the train pic- you are just too studly!!

Heather-Maree - 04/22/99 13:26:29
I met Colin: On the the one thats gunna have ya gf
I am from: WA
Today, I am: Nothing
Colin's page is: Good stuuf mayte never knew you had brains that smart hehe
My favourite food is: Nachos
I am scared of: Huntsmen spiders
When I grow up, I wanna be: older, sexier

I want to say Hello sweet pea :) Good page

SENSEI - 02/02/99 06:55:43
I met Colin: I HAVENT
Today, I am: SURFING
Colin's page is: GREAT
My favourite food is: STEAK
I am scared of: DROWNING
When I grow up, I wanna be: A KID AGAIN


bonnie - 01/16/99 07:01:45
I met Colin: you work it out
I am from: sydney
Today, I am: what does it look like
Colin's page is: i don't know
My favourite food is: pizza
I am scared of: justin leaving me with a baby to look after
When I grow up, I wanna be: justin's wife

i love justin alot and your page is good

gemi - 01/11/99 13:56:54
My Email:666
I met Colin: smithfield rsl
I am from: franklins
Today, I am: talking to u
Colin's page is: it sux
My favourite food is: borban
I am scared of: meeting u
When I grow up, I wanna be: a alcoholic

what ever

bargarck - 12/23/98 11:37:14
My Email:help
I met Colin: birth
I am from: a house
Today, I am: typing
Colin's page is: i rule
My favourite food is: CHICKEN and PIZZA
I am scared of: work
When I grow up, I wanna be: myself


bonnie (jewellia) - 11/15/98 02:18:03
I met Colin: at the hospital
I am from: australia
Today, I am: watching bathurst
Colin's page is: it's okay
My favourite food is: macaroni and cheese
I am scared of: dying

i rest my case

10/24/98 11:38:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Maya...aka...Emma - 10/19/98 10:05:49
My URL:Dont have one...yet!
I met Colin: Years ago in a Talker...the best chat around..but its now gone!
I am from: Melbourne,Vic
Today, I am: Going to school,still
Colin's page is: Pretty Cool
My favourite food is: Chicken...*lol*
I am scared of: Ugly Men
When I grow up, I wanna be: ...I wouldnt have a clue..

Nope, I think I rest my case!

Cindy Zimmerman - 10/11/98 01:39:11
My Email:HippiChikC
I met Colin: Um... I your page some how
I am from: Michigan
Today, I am: Nothing absolutely nothing
Colin's page is: but short
My favourite food is: um...Any thing Italion
I am scared of: reality
When I grow up, I wanna be: Nice

Not much else but im really board so ill keep talking.and you can sit there and listen. ok? im really hyper right now. Im really hyper all the time.=0)Whats your favorite thing to do? I like to scare my teachers. My related arts teacher Has been really sc red of me ever since i told her that my purpose in life was to destroy her. Her name is Mrs. Barron she is nasty she dosent shave her legs its grose 'cause she ALWAYS wheres old are you?Im just wunderin. what server do you have?I have aohell(N ckname for aol). one morning before I went to school i took a what i like to call a pep pill. there just caffine pills i was sooo hyper. well e-mail me some time at ok? Ill be looking for it.C-ya Cindy

`coy - 09/03/98 17:20:34
I met Colin: Broadcast2 (backwhen...)
I am from: Michigan
Today, I am: looking at "old" friends HP
Colin's page is: very cute
My favourite food is: chocolate
I am scared of: not ever seeing my daughter again :o(
When I grow up, I wanna be: I am grown up and very happy with my life as it is now :o)

Hey Colin, I found you by following a link that is on Sean and Fee's HP. Nice seeing you and some of the "old" gang from Braodcast2. Those were the fun times weren't they! Check out my boyfriends and my homepage when you get a chance and sign our guest bo k too!

June (DazLover in IRC) - 08/28/98 23:09:02
I met Colin: On IRC. Remember the pics???? LOL You pervert!
I am from: Miami, FL, USA
Today, I am: Nothing at all :(
Colin's page is: I love it
My favourite food is: Burger King's Big King plain with cheese and the sauce and the fries king size, anything else?
I am scared of: Frogs and toads.
When I grow up, I wanna be: A Psychologist

Hey!! I love your page ;)

Sally Jessy Raphael - 07/26/98 03:04:11
I met Colin: I dunno
I am from: I dunno????!!!
Today, I am: NOTHING
Colin's page is: Good
My favourite food is: Chicken!!!
I am scared of: Knowing that one day, a chicken will eat me instead of me eating the chicken.
When I grow up, I wanna be: a chicken slaughter

Umm...I haven't looked through your ENTIRE chicken page but I think you should have a picture of a chicken. That's what I was looking for.

Anne - 07/15/98 13:10:10
My URL:u know where it is!
My Email:u know that too!
I met Colin: ICQ! and IRC
I am from: sydney
Today, I am: surfing around
Colin's page is: well just wanted to sign cuz it's the 1st thing here!
My favourite food is: hot chips and ice cream
I am scared of: fear I guess and test results
When I grow up, I wanna be: famous like Darren Hayes! *LOL*

I guess I do, am I the first? Oh well cya! ~LittleMissSavage

Sarah a.ka. Princess - 07/07/98 15:43:39
I met Colin: ICQ
I am from: Toledo Ohio (America
Today, I am: Being bored
Colin's page is: pics
My favourite food is: Italian
I am scared of: world ending!
When I grow up, I wanna be: an actress

Colin, nice homepage. Hopefully you know who this is! hehehe. Well I'll c-ya on ICQ.

Sandra - 07/05/98 05:44:48
My URL:I'm too lazy to get one together!!!
I met Colin: Ah... do we have to go into that? Other people might read this!!! ;)
I am from: Aussiesland, of course!
Today, I am: Being rude on irc and scaring the boys... what's new? ;)
Colin's page is: Oh wonoderful!!!... Now don't forget to pay me... we agreed on $100 wasn't it? ;D
My favourite food is: Mmm... anything Italian!
I am scared of: Never finding my soulmate! Or him not recognizing me!!! ;)
When I grow up, I wanna be: A successful poetry writer!

Um... I could go on but... I don't dislike you enough to warrent that! Hee Hee! Oh and thanks for being my PJ mate! Hee Hee!

Tabby - 07/02/98 23:20:42
My URL:NO u can't have it
I met Colin: It was a very drunk nite...
I am from: Michigan
Today, I am: Sleeping
Colin's page is: Tis amazingly delicious!!
My favourite food is: pasta with seafood *yum*
I am scared of: Bugggggggggies !!!
When I grow up, I wanna be: the most affluent prostitute on my corner ;D

Oh. Like there was anything i wanted to see on YOUR page. hehehe :) Charming site Colsee :D

Kelly - 06/24/98 02:58:12
I met Colin: an E-Pals site was sent to my E-Mail address
I am from: Seattle, Washington
Today, I am: working
Colin's page is: I thought it was rather amusing....not boring like a lot of the others ive visited.
My favourite food is: pasta and mexican
I am scared of: getting old
When I grow up, I wanna be: artist

I rest my case.

oona moon - 05/20/98 23:56:27
I met Colin: i love jeff
I am from: windsor canada
Today, I am: singing
Colin's page is: haven't seen
My favourite food is: strawberry rubarb pie
I am scared of: overcame cliff jumping
When I grow up, I wanna be: bum musician

arrested case

jewellia - 05/15/98 09:14:46
I met Colin: on the 26th of january 1984
I am from: sydney
Today, I am: signing your guestbook
Colin's page is: alright i guess
My favourite food is: chicken enchilada's
I am scared of: my brother dying
When I grow up, I wanna be: your sister for the rest of my life colin

i guess i rest my case

jewellia - 05/15/98 09:06:10
I met Colin: yes
I am from: sydney
Today, I am: signing your guestbook
Colin's page is: it's okay
My favourite food is: chicken enchilada's
I am scared of: my brother dying
When I grow up, I wanna be: i dunno i'm only 14!

i rest my case

Elvis - 05/01/98 02:39:40
My URL:this is it
My Email:look on the page
I met Colin: I was born and looked in the mirror
I am from: now in Colac, Victoria, Australia
Today, I am: typing in my own guestbook
Colin's page is: I rule.
My favourite food is: Pizza and chicken. Not necessarily together, although chicken on pizzas tastes pretty alright.
I am scared of: Death by asphyxiation.
When I grow up, I wanna be: Some guy earning a shitload of money.

Actually I do have something to say, that's why I am re-signing my guestbook. I am engaged to be married now, to Joanne McBroom, and I just thought why not write about it on my guestbook! So anyway I just thought I would let the world know about it.

Joanne - 04/23/98 00:13:15
I met Colin: long story
I am from: Colac
Today, I am: Staying at your house
Colin's page is: it's like you unreal
My favourite food is: You
I am scared of: having kids
When I grow up, I wanna be: A police person

No i don't rest my casse but i have nothing to say.

SHON - 03/29/98 16:25:10
I met Colin: I haven't
I am from: MO
Today, I am: Surfing
Colin's page is: Great! Lots of neat links!
My favourite food is: Pasta
I am scared of: My puter crashing
When I grow up, I wanna be: a SUPER HERO


Joanne - 03/24/98 04:59:37
I met Colin: Well firstly I met you on PowWow and then by email. I spoke once or twice on ICQ and then we finally met. What a dream a dream that had all come true a d then went terribly wrong.
I am from: Colac
Today, I am: You have just gone home and I am going to First Aid
Colin's page is: It is wonderful just like you.
My favourite food is: Ham and cheese sandwiches
I am scared of: My greatest fear came true the other day when we broke up because I wasn't ready to commit myself to you.
When I grow up, I wanna be: Married and be a Police Woman

You know that I don't rest me case and you can read me like a book so a silly question. I do love you and I don't want you to get the wrong idea but as I said I was basically in love with the idea of being in love and not actually being in love myself. I now it sounds like what Judy did to you but there is no point in blaming it on you because it isn't your fault. Joanne

Glycerine - 03/22/98 04:48:24
I met Colin: Talker-The Pool
I am from: Toronto
Today, I am: Remembering the good ole days.
Colin's page is: I love everything of Colin's
My favourite food is: Chocolate
I am scared of: Getting old.
When I grow up, I wanna be: Happy.

Dearest Colin. I miss you baby. You used to worship the ground that I walked on! Now lesser men have taken your place! Your Queen, Glycerine

Joanne - 03/16/98 22:03:48
I met Colin: on the net and soon in person
I am from: Colac
Today, I am: I am at school
Colin's page is: it is wonderful just like you!!!!!!!!
My favourite food is: Pizza
I am scared of: Losing you!!!
When I grow up, I wanna be: Married to you Colin

Yeah, Sorry about the spelling mistakes yesterday I don't think there are any today Love you heaps Joanne. 2 more sleeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joanne - 03/16/98 04:00:17
I met Colin: I am your net fiance
I am from: Colac
Today, I am: writing to you my sweet
Colin's page is: Great except you didn't tell me I was on there.
My favourite food is: Pizza
I am scared of: Losing You
When I grow up, I wanna be: a Police Woman

you know I never rest my case I just want to say to all those girls that you are now off the market. Joanne Love you too much.

Luthy - 03/13/98 10:18:25
I met Colin: Link exchange
I am from: Australia
Today, I am: Shit all
Colin's page is: odd
My favourite food is: CHICKEN
I am scared of: shitty web pages
When I grow up, I wanna be: RICH

errrrrrrr..... My cats name is fuzz

Megan - 03/11/98 07:50:10
I met Colin: through angel
I am from: Tamworth
Today, I am: learning the net
Colin's page is: haven't seen it yet!! :)
My favourite food is: pasta
I am scared of: falling
When I grow up, I wanna be: don't know

Hi Bye (I rest my case)!! *smile*

Ann - 02/18/98 02:30:03
I met Colin: no
I am from: Florida
Today, I am: Not much
Colin's page is: Great
My favourite food is: Tacos
I am scared of: Poverty
When I grow up, I wanna be: Rich


Nicki - 02/07/98 20:39:13
I met Colin: in a bar. ..I gave Colin a lap dance
I am from: Small, boring town
Today, I am: Looking up stuff in the library. . .yes, I know, exciting.
Colin's page is: Cool as hell! (Colin, I will be expecting that $20 in the mail) ha
I am scared of: Spiders
When I grow up, I wanna be: a Spice Girl. Call me Smelly Spice

Hey Colin baby!! I just checked out your page. . I was bored and I didn't want to do the work I was doing so, here I am. The page is looking pretty good. Your looks change more than any women I know. . .not to suggest that you are a woman but, you know what I'm saying r ght?

Dawn - 01/28/98 23:08:39
I met Colin: B2 when it existed
I am from: Michigan
Today, I am: Signin' your book
Colin's page is: A great page
My favourite food is: Chocolate (of course!)
I am scared of: The city I live in now! True hell on Earth!
When I grow up, I wanna be: a freelance artist, wait! I kind'a already am! *lol*

Great page Colin. Good luck on your chess game with Af!

Angelfire - 01/26/98 21:43:30
I met Colin: Broadcast
I am from: Tassy (As if you didn't know *L's*)
Today, I am: Typing here
Colin's page is: The buttons are...... ;)
My favourite food is: Chocolate
I am scared of: Your photos *Joke my friend joke* *Grin*
When I grow up, I wanna be: Rich

I think the case is rested but in case not, I'll put it to sleep *L's* Page is looking good, here's a question for you, do you have teeth?? Your pics don't say so *Lmao* :)

Jenna - 01/25/98 15:27:28
I met Colin: Speak Easy
I am from: Virginia
Today, I am: hehe, anything I can think of...
Colin's page is: Very good! Nice update
My favourite food is: Ravioli
I am scared of: You will have to ask me that one through email *blush*
When I grow up, I wanna be: Socioligist

hey, Just thought that I would sign your guestbook as well and take a look at your new page. =))

casp - 01/25/98 08:13:36
My URL:can't remember
I met Colin: in #JBuckley
I am from: Brisbane, Australia
Today, I am: typing in your guestbook and talking to you
Colin's page is: great, fantastic!!
My favourite food is: um good q
I am scared of: being alone
When I grow up, I wanna be: for me to know and you to find out

GREAT page chooky!! loved your sister too!!

Ca Sunshine - 01/22/98 03:41:01
I met Colin: In Speak Easy
I am from: California
Colin's page is: Wonderful
My favourite food is: Unknown
I am scared of: Men..*Giggle* LOL
When I grow up, I wanna be: Already Gown


Lara - 11/16/97 17:13:42
I met Colin: On Talker
Today, I am: surfin
Colin's page is: Cool *smiles*
My favourite food is: nuttin..
I am scared of: my isp crashing
When I grow up, I wanna be: Microbiologist

Heya Colin Cutie! great pg *smiles*.. nice new pics.. *smiles*

Maggie8 - 11/15/97 04:04:15
I met Colin: strolling in geocites neighborhoods
Today, I am: getting ready to go to a FSU football party
Colin's page is: Awesome! outstanding!! Loved it!!
My favourite food is: Alaskan King Crab
I am scared of: moofie monster
When I grow up, I wanna be: not a old stick in the mud..

you are outstanding.....if ya get a chance check my site out please!!

Eowyn - 11/08/97 04:24:51
I met Colin: can't remember - it was in 1977 sometime
Today, I am: reading your mail
Colin's page is: too colourful
My favourite food is: dove chocolate
I am scared of: nuclear war

i'll rest my case on your fucking head if you're not careful!

Alex (Sunshine) - 11/01/97 04:32:26
I met Colin: Waiting for him at Flinders Street station...(Our RL meeting that is!)
Answer to maths quiz: Something more challenging next time, please Colin.
Today, I am: Recovering from a minor operation.
Colin's page is: Cool page...I just can't say the same about that pic you've got of me! PLEASE change it?
My favourite food is: marzipan
I am scared of: Just about everything.

Great page, Colin. I'll have to send you a different pic of me. I hope you come and visit me again soon. You're a great friend. Take care of yourself OK?

Nicki - 10/31/97 00:59:28
I met Colin: Here and there
Answer to maths quiz: I don't have the foggest clue.
Today, I am: Ummm, I'm doing homework. . .big fun.
Colin's page is: Looks pretty good--but, what do I know. Ha! Just Kidding Colin!
My favourite food is: Pickles. I dig them the most.
I am scared of: I fear one day waking up with my toes stuck in someone's as. . .oops, I don't know. I fear nothing.

I love Colin. He so cool.

Marla Wilson - 10/21/97 22:18:45
I met Colin: JBEL land :-)
Answer to maths quiz: 10999.44384958!!!
Today, I am: i'm depressed and tired and stressed and i have tons of work to do. that's why i'm procrastinating on the net!
Colin's page is: it rocks a lot.
My favourite food is: does Coke count? it's more of a drink, i guess. but candy is my favorite food...especially Sour Patch Kids!
I am scared of: falling in love. oh, also, dying before i get to write every poem i wanna write and before i let the world have all of me that it's ever gonna get.

you rock and so does JB. have a jeffie, fluffy, yummy day, colin! hallelujah baybee...see ya! :-)

Marnie Baker - 10/21/97 17:45:34
I met Colin: JBEL
Answer to maths quiz: 3478.3294 :)
Today, I am: working
Colin's page is: haven't looked yet
My favourite food is: sushi
I am scared of: getting old

rest my case

Richard Twine - 10/21/97 12:58:22
I met Colin: i didn't
Answer to maths quiz: 10,783,973
Today, I am: thinking, loving...
Colin's page is: undecided
My favourite food is: white chocolate
I am scared of: exclusion

my page is better than yours..... not really.

*Playpen* - 10/16/97 17:20:52
I met Colin: *s*
Answer to maths quiz: don't care *L*
Today, I am: surfing the Net
Colin's page is: very nice
My favourite food is: Pizza
I am scared of: falling from a high place

hmm.. well just that it's was nice to see you, and Thank you for the B-day greeting... *s*

Kimberley - 10/16/97 11:06:53
I met Colin: speak easy
Answer to maths quiz: dunno..math was my weakness
Today, I am: work...what else!
Colin's page is: great
My favourite food is:
I am scared of: bee's...Yikes

Yes..Im a Gemini..that explains the rest...I havent been tested on animals..if you dont count men....*L*

Fiona - 09/28/97 05:43:39
I met Colin: In Broadcast *sob* never to be again
Today, I am: missing chook
Colin's page is: lovely, chook, lovely
I am scared of: meeting the chook in person *laugh*

Love ya Chook, shame we don't get to talk as much, I will do more on my page one day *smile* Luv Fee.

Nicki - 09/07/97 22:35:27

You the man.

Nicki - 08/26/97 21:07:56
I met Colin: On Broadcast
The Colin is: If you like boys with WOW tatoos. . .ha ha!
I am: Sitting on my ass, I smell. . .I think I will masturbate later.
Colin's page is: It's Grrreeeaatt!!
My favourite food is: I don't know. . .I like a good pickle every once in awhile.
I am scared of: Being chased by strange men wearing high water pants while singing "Achy Breaky Heart"

I smell.

The Real Gina - 08/12/97 10:53:21
I met Colin: At the Speakeasy bar
Is Colin cute? He is the cutest loveliest yummiest person called Chook that I have EVER known...*smile*
I am doing: enjoying myself when I should be working...
Colin's page is: alomst as good as mine - she lied....
My favourite food is: Brandon Lee on a bed of crisp lettuce...*smile*
I am scared of: not getting to Chook first...

Hmmmmm....nicking my ideas are we? *lol* Glad I checked first! Take care baby - see you soon....*hugs*

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