Adam (left) and me (right) canoeing as sophomores with the Environmental Club

About Me and This Page

History of Holy Web-Page, Batman!

This page was originally created in June of 1997, as my first attempt at any advanced HTML writing. I started off with a WebTV (an internet box that connects to your TV) since we could not afford to purchase a new PC at the time (we still had a 486 when Pentium II's were out). The WebTV was very frustrating to write web pages with. Sometimes I'd spend a few hours editing the html "code" and would go to submit the page to Geocities and find out they were either busy or having problems..I lost a great deal of hard work. At the time there was no "copy & paste" functionality. I couldn't upload pictures, scan pictures, or really edit pictures anywhere near what I wanted. My neighbors let me scan some things in, but I didn't want to overstay my welcome.

Well, just as the page was shaping up some and my family purchased a new computer, Geocities had problems with their servers. Next thing I knew, I was looking at what had been my pages and were now a bunch of garbled ASCII (symbols) letters. I only had the computer for two weeks and hadn't thought of backing it up. All my pictures, sound files, pages..everything was corrupt. I contacted Geocities and they reported that they restored the pages, but some of them were permanently lost. Needless to say, I wasn't very pleased when I heard this. I just kept thinking of all the work I had put into the site. All of the hours upon hours of staring at text on a TV screen, my eyes burning and fingers hurting. For a while I figured "Screw It!" I didn't want to put any more time into something that could be lost again so fast.

Later I decided to fool around with some graphics. I really wasn't happy with how the site looked before, it just didn't say "Batman" or catch your attention (mostly tables and text). So I figured if I could create some neat graphics, I'd put the site back up. I wanted to make it look good and be filled with relevant information on Batman. Believe it or not, the bat symbol and what I call the "Batmobile Link Interface" on the main page took about 7-8 hours each to make. I take the pride in saying that about 95% of the images on the site are mine, and 100% of the sounds were created by me. The only images that I didn't scan or capture from video are the ones of the actors themselves..mostly because I don't have a book with pictures of every actor in the show. I started off with the "Comic Characters" section (since I still had a printout of it from my last page), and evolved to the 1966 section. Slowly, but surely, the site grew to what you see today. Although it still isn't exactly the way I want it, I will continue to modify and add to it for all the Bat fans out there and to educate others of the history of Batman!

Backyard view (sorry, not live). The field is being developed now.

The Real Me

You've probably been asking yourself "Who is Ace?" Ok, maybe not, but you're here, so you might as well find out. My name is Wayne Eggert and I've been a Batman fan since I was seven. I live in York County, PA. If you've ever been there, it seems like you're stepping back in time (especially when you ride through Amish country). I'm currently 18 years old and majoring in computer science in college. I've programmed in BASIC, PASCAL, Visual Basic, and C++...which probably means nothing if you're not a computer person :) I like collecting Batman things (pre 1970s..if you have anything, let me know), playing video games, and sometimes even going outside once or twice a week (joking).

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